30 June 2010

Thought of the Day....

I need about 4 or 5 more inches on this body.

In height. 

That way, this baby would have a bit more space to go 'Up!' instead of out.  Or, just might not sit on my rib cage all day long, push on my bladder every hour of the evening or make me feel like I'm going to explode every afternoon as I feel my ligaments stretching out further. 

I'm quite jealous of tall people right now.  To all of you who have a few inches to spare (you know who you are!) I'm clearly not saying you did not have your own share of pregnancy pains.  I know darn well issues can come in many forms.  And, I sympathize.  Truly. 

Just doing the math and I have 9 weeks left.  9.5 to be exact.  And, I have absolutely NO idea how I'm going to make it that long.  I think I'm just about the size I was when I delivered Olivia.  I felt good.  Labor was doable (is that really a word?).  Recovery - no complaints.  But, 9 weeks!  That's not exactly right around the corner.  Holy cow. 

75% of the time, I fall in the 'Happy' pregnancy camp.  With Olivia, it was probably closer to 100%.  So, what I'm contemplating is this.....Is the 25% reduction (probably more like 50% if I'm being honest) due to A: I'm 37.  Not old by (my) standards, but not quite the young, chipper 32 I was when I had Olivia.  B: this is my 2nd full term pregnancy and this just happens or C: every pregnancy is different and you just never know what you're going to get? 

My whole life I wanted 4 kids.  I always wanted a big family.  Not only is that not possible now for a number of reasons, but I can't imagine doing this 2 more times!!  So, instead, I'm trying to cherish my last 9 weeks.  Enjoy the moments possible and not lose sight of the fact that this is the last time I'll experience it. 

But, let's lay down the over/under.  I keep telling Kyle I'm going into labor 3 weeks early.  That would put it around Aug 13th....Stay tuned! 

29 June 2010

If This Doesn't Get a Comment, I Don't Know What Will....

I hate to tell you this....but our week in Dallas was a little to liberating.  Our dear Olivia put on a few pounds.  Any ideas on how to get a 4yr old to drop a few pounds???  We need some advice. 

This is her just a few short weeks ago. 

Reporting Live From....

Well, that was going to be my original header.  And, I was going to put something along the lines of 'Big D', 'The Eyes of Texas' or some other cheesy answer down below.  But, I never got around to posting while I was actually back in Texas.  We had too much fun. 

I will post more about it soon and get up some wonderful pics from the week back home.  Kyle, Olivia and I had a great time.  It was so much more relaxing than at Christmas.  I guess that goes without saying.  Of course, we did not get to see everyone.  I think the only way that would happen is to sneak into Texas.  Or, stay there for a month.  Maybe we'll try that next time. 

It was wonderful to see everyone that we did get to see!!  Olivia got a playdate in at the waterpark, we got to see Kenneth and Lili's beautiful wedding, we got a night out with Julie and Gabe and Olivia got some much needed one on one time with her cousin Nick!!  I actually think his heart melted a little bit when she curled up with her head on his lap.  It was very sweet. 

Baby countdown.....9.5 weeks to go!!!  Holy Moly

16 June 2010

Ending My Last Trip with a .....

Rumble.  Yes, my last business trip would have to prove to be eventful.  I got to experience my first earthquake.  A 5.7 at that. 

5.7....Since I am an 'earthquake novice', I don't really know where to put it on the scale.  It sounds big, it felt scary and it lasted a long, long time.  No damage, which was very good. 

As mentioned before, I was in San Diego.  Comfortably walking around my hotel room, getting ready to wind down for the evening.  It was about 930pm pst, but 1230am to my body.  Just wrapping up some final work things for the day. 

When...the building started to sway back and forth.  At 6.5 months pregnant, your body has a tendency to play tricks on you.  So, it took me a very long time to realize what was happening.  And, I did not do what you're supposed to do.  I did not stand in a doorway or get in the bathtub.  I froze.  Swaying.  I think the building swayed 2 feet in either direction.  It lasted about 2 minutes, but felt like 2 hours.  I was with two other people and got emails asking if it was in fact an earthquake that was occurring.  Nothing shook really, like you see 'in the movies'.  It just swayed.  And rumbled a bit.  But, no glass to knock around like you always 'hear' when they show earthquakes. 

I grabbed my phone and my room key and went out into the hallway.  No one.  Nothing.  just silence.  The elevators were working, so I decided it was better to take my changes there than hike it down 14 flights if not necessary.  The weirdest part was walking into the lobby.  The bar was right there and there were about 10 people talking, hanging out, still enjoying their cocktail.  Like. Nothing. Happened.  I felt like I was in the making of a Twilight Series episode.  It was so weird.  Then, a few other startled people (like me) started getting off the elevator.  We all gathered together asking the same thing.  Again...'earthquake novices'.  A manager assured us this was what happened and they've been going on every week since the 7+ one hit the CA/Mex border over Easter.  Glad they warned us! 

Later, I watched the news and they couldn't decide if this was a 'new one' as it was so big or if it was in fact an after shock from the Easter earthquake.  All I know is this....the buildings in San Diego are made for this and they hold up well.  They did what they were supposed to do.

I would prefer not to go through one again. 

I hope this doesn't mean I have to experience a hurricane this year.

11 June 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

It's Friday.  Thank goodness!!! 

And, I successfully made it to (and thru) Day #2 of swim practice.  I have to admit, I came crashing down a bit on Wed afternoon.  A bit of a sinus attack, combined with a 'physical assertion' attack = not good for the preggo body!  My stomach was sore!!  Like I'd done 200 sit ups.  A very off feeling when you're pregnant. 

But, it was short lived.  Today, I felt really good swimming.  I even cut 5 sec off my 25m free.  I know....I'm not out to break any records.  But, I just could not let it go on without any improvement.  My time on Wed for a 25m free was the same time I used to complete a 50m free in!!  The competitor came out in my today and would not let it slide. 

I forgot to post this the other day.  It took me awhile to even GET to swim practice because I could not find a work out suit for the life of me.  Not a maternity one at least.  And, I was afraid if I just got a bigger speedo, I would have saggy drawers....if you know what I mean.  It might not fit in all the right places.  And, the last thing you want in the pool when working out is 'drag'.  But, finally!  I found THE best site.  See here.  Of course, it took a woman who summitted Mt Everest to come up with the concept.  She could not find good workout clothes when pregnant, so she designed her own and started a company.  They have the best work out clothes, yoga pants, etc for when you're pregnant.  It's great!!  I now live in my yoga pants every night when I get home from work.  Attractive - no.  Comfortable - absolutely!! 


Enough with swimming.  It's almost the weekend. 

I'm taking Olivia to see Mary Poppins tomorrow in Ft Lauderdale.  We took her to see The Nutcracker back at Christmas and lately she's been asking to see something like that again.  Mary Poppins is actually a musical, so I think she will enjoy it even more.  She also thinks it's hilarious that I know the story of Mary Poppins.  She gets a kick if I did/saw anything as a kid that she gets to now see.  So, we've made a few trips to Blockbuster lately and have rented The Wizard of Oz and Annie.  I love the fact that there are no teeny-bopper, psuedo-celebrity actors involved in these movies.  I don't have to worry about Judy Garland bumpin' and grindin' or kissing a girl on stage like a certain girl who rhymes with Smiley Birus.  Why?? 

Other than that....I'm preparing for my last business trip for the next 5 months!!  Yippee!  Off to beautiful San Diego Monday.  It's about 20 degrees cooler there than Miami, so I'm thrilled. 

And, one last thing.....a dear friend emailed me the other night saying he read my blog all the time and wanted to leave comments, but didn't want to be the only one doing it.  He asked why no one else left me comments.  I ask myself the same thing ALL the time!!! 

So, if you're reading this.....just hit 'comment' right below this and leave me a little note.  I do like the emails I get back, but maybe this will start a new trend. 

Have a great weekend!! 

09 June 2010

Get a lot of Courage....Throw Out All Vanity

I did it!  I went to swim practice this morning.  Out of shape and 6 1/2 months pregnant, I took the 'plunge'.  Funny play on words, huh? 

I got there at 6:30am and swam for 45 min.  Not bad for Day 1.  And, considering it's been 1 1/2 yrs since I had a good swim workout, I'm patting myself on the back. 

I mean, what better time to start then when you're about to give birth, right?  I'm sure that's the thought that was going through most people's head at practice today.  But, the coach was very inviting and did not make me feel foolish at all.  I like him.  And, I ended up knowing one other guy there who is the dad of a boy in Olivia's school.  He was also very kind to me. 

Here's the best part - for 45 min of my life today, I felt a little back to normal.  I did not feel like I was carrying a bowling ball at all.  Except for the 10 seconds I decided to try backstroke.  My favorite.  Advice to anyone else wanting to try it.  Don't.  Do not do it.  I thought I was going to sink.  If you swim on your belly, you don't feel it.  If you swim on your back, it feels 4x as worse!! 

For the first part of the day, I had lots of energy and was on a bit of a 'high' as the exercise felt really good. 

Now.....I just want a nap.  And, I want to be laying down. 

Good thing I told the coach I'd see him Friday.  Now, I'm committed. 

08 June 2010

We'll Leave the Light on For You.....

Next week kicks off our 'Summer Visitor's special!!  We are SO excited.  We love visitors.  We love seeing friends and family that we can no longer see on a regular basis.  And, we're on the home stretch of 'peace and quiet' before the baby arrives.  Or, as much 'peace and quiet' you can have with an almost-5 yr old.  Which really is pretty nice. 

I now know to save all my vacation days for next summer.....or at least in hopes that we have the same return with friends and family coming to visit.  Between now and when the baby comes, we will have the great fortune to see Sara (Baba), Allison (last minute surprise next week!), my sister, niece and nephew, Kenneth and Lili post-honeymoon, my Mom, the Wright's, Erika and Elise, and both grandma's potentially pre-arrival of the baby.  And, this doesn't even count all the friends and family we will get to see while in Dallas in a few weeks!! 

This is turning out to be the most exciting summer ever!!  Olivia is beside herself and tracking everything on a calendar.  It's like Christmas for her (and us!)!! 

I'm excited because I get to play hostess, cook and make my best attempt to entertain.  Something I love, but don't necessarily get to do as much as when we lived in Arlington. 

To all the people coming....here's my one caveat:  Sorry we don't quite have the space we used to have.....we love our house, we just lost a lot of space in the move.  Not sure what happened to it, but it didn't make it to Florida.  And, I'm sorry if I waddle.  I will do my best to get off the couch.  But, it's 120f in Miami (or at least feels that way sometimes) and I have a big 'ol baby inside this belly.  One measuring in the 90% range at this point.  I do, however, have a 4yr old to make up for any lost energy that I may have.  She's quite entertaining and will do a great job of picking up when I start slacking....!  :) 

We can't wait to see all of you!!!!

03 June 2010

Olivia the Party Girl...

We had Olivia's class over for an End of the Year party.  I finally uploaded the pics.  And, many others from the past year.  I might just start posting a few every day to finally get caught up! 

I also can't quite figure out how to write the captions underneath the pictures anymore, so I'll just call out a few of the highlights.  The baby below....that's Avery.  She's Barry and Dana's little one.  And, I just want to eat her up every time I see her.  She reminds me so much of Olivia at that age with those chubby legs and little belly. 

Barry and Dana also let us borrow this really cool water slide they own.  It was a hit!  I attempted to play some games with the kids, but they might be a little to young...or too light still.  We did the 'sit on the water balloon' relay and it was quite difficult for the kids to get the water balloons to pop!  And, they just wanted to get into a water balloon fight anyways, so we quickly caved in.  The boy down below in the green swim trunks.....that's Keiffer!!  Yep, he came.  And, ALL the girls were beside themselves.  Keiffer...well, he never really even noticed there were girls.  He swam and played with the water guns for about 6 hours straight.  Never even ate dinner.  Later in the night, a bunch of kids got a little sleepy and this is where I found them.  On our bed, watching a movie!  It was pretty darn cute. 

And, last....there's Eddie.  He swam at the party too.  Had to include him. 

02 June 2010

The Kick Off....Lord Help Me.

June 1st marks the 'official' start of hurricane season.  I have knots in my stomach about this.  For many reasons.....

1.  This is my first true hurricane season in Miami.  We lived here last year or at least through part of the season.  But, we were in a condo with little personal belongings of our own.  At that point, our strategy was to just run and drive away from it all.  This year...we are homeowners.  Much different. 

2.  Last year, Miami was unaffected by hurricanes.  Or, even a tropical storm of any kind.  There was nothing going on.  Nothing.  My assistant, who has lived here for 20 years, told me she has a 'feeling' this is going to be a bad year.  Great.  Just want I want to hear.  While were were house hunting, the reference point for anything roof, AC, etc related was 'Hurricane Andrew'.  We would hear things like this all the time..."Well, this roof has been around since before Andrew" or "We replaced the AC unit right after Andrew" or "well, these hurricane shutters made it through Andrew".  It's the barometer for all things. 

3.  I have a child.  We live one mile from the coastline.  We don't get shielded by 30 miles of being inland.  I don't even want to think about the fear of protecting her through anything disastrous.  Can't even talk about this one. 

4.  The 'Think.Plan.Act.' lists that are everywhere.  All over the place.  This is good, because I need a list.  I'm a novice.  But, I don't want to think about what all we need to do to prepare now that it's 'the season'.  They warn you to have enough on hand to last 7-10 days.  Without electricity.  A guy in my office was in the eye of Hurricane Wilma.  He went 6 days without electricity.  If we stay in our house, you put the hurricane shutters up, lock yourself off to the outside world (and sunlight) and hunker down.  Hmmm...doesn't sound fun.  Kyle and I watched a show on TV the other day about all the things you need to do to be prepared.  We have so much to do.  So much I can't even think about it.  Things I didn't even know we had to think about. 

5.  I'm pregnant.  Have I told you that??  I'm due Sept 3rd.  So, if we do in fact have an 'active' season, this means one of three things.  I'm close to going into labor, I'm actually in labor OR we have a newborn at home.  Someone told me that if you're more than 8 months pregnant and a hurricane comes, they send you to the hospital.  Hurricane's have a tendency to push people into labor.  Great. 

So, I cannot wait for the next 5 months to pass.  Please pray for an 'inactive' season.