11 June 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

It's Friday.  Thank goodness!!! 

And, I successfully made it to (and thru) Day #2 of swim practice.  I have to admit, I came crashing down a bit on Wed afternoon.  A bit of a sinus attack, combined with a 'physical assertion' attack = not good for the preggo body!  My stomach was sore!!  Like I'd done 200 sit ups.  A very off feeling when you're pregnant. 

But, it was short lived.  Today, I felt really good swimming.  I even cut 5 sec off my 25m free.  I know....I'm not out to break any records.  But, I just could not let it go on without any improvement.  My time on Wed for a 25m free was the same time I used to complete a 50m free in!!  The competitor came out in my today and would not let it slide. 

I forgot to post this the other day.  It took me awhile to even GET to swim practice because I could not find a work out suit for the life of me.  Not a maternity one at least.  And, I was afraid if I just got a bigger speedo, I would have saggy drawers....if you know what I mean.  It might not fit in all the right places.  And, the last thing you want in the pool when working out is 'drag'.  But, finally!  I found THE best site.  See here.  Of course, it took a woman who summitted Mt Everest to come up with the concept.  She could not find good workout clothes when pregnant, so she designed her own and started a company.  They have the best work out clothes, yoga pants, etc for when you're pregnant.  It's great!!  I now live in my yoga pants every night when I get home from work.  Attractive - no.  Comfortable - absolutely!! 


Enough with swimming.  It's almost the weekend. 

I'm taking Olivia to see Mary Poppins tomorrow in Ft Lauderdale.  We took her to see The Nutcracker back at Christmas and lately she's been asking to see something like that again.  Mary Poppins is actually a musical, so I think she will enjoy it even more.  She also thinks it's hilarious that I know the story of Mary Poppins.  She gets a kick if I did/saw anything as a kid that she gets to now see.  So, we've made a few trips to Blockbuster lately and have rented The Wizard of Oz and Annie.  I love the fact that there are no teeny-bopper, psuedo-celebrity actors involved in these movies.  I don't have to worry about Judy Garland bumpin' and grindin' or kissing a girl on stage like a certain girl who rhymes with Smiley Birus.  Why?? 

Other than that....I'm preparing for my last business trip for the next 5 months!!  Yippee!  Off to beautiful San Diego Monday.  It's about 20 degrees cooler there than Miami, so I'm thrilled. 

And, one last thing.....a dear friend emailed me the other night saying he read my blog all the time and wanted to leave comments, but didn't want to be the only one doing it.  He asked why no one else left me comments.  I ask myself the same thing ALL the time!!! 

So, if you're reading this.....just hit 'comment' right below this and leave me a little note.  I do like the emails I get back, but maybe this will start a new trend. 

Have a great weekend!! 

1 comment:

  1. What is your husband doing while you and Olivia go to Mary Poppins? Just curious.
