30 June 2010

Thought of the Day....

I need about 4 or 5 more inches on this body.

In height. 

That way, this baby would have a bit more space to go 'Up!' instead of out.  Or, just might not sit on my rib cage all day long, push on my bladder every hour of the evening or make me feel like I'm going to explode every afternoon as I feel my ligaments stretching out further. 

I'm quite jealous of tall people right now.  To all of you who have a few inches to spare (you know who you are!) I'm clearly not saying you did not have your own share of pregnancy pains.  I know darn well issues can come in many forms.  And, I sympathize.  Truly. 

Just doing the math and I have 9 weeks left.  9.5 to be exact.  And, I have absolutely NO idea how I'm going to make it that long.  I think I'm just about the size I was when I delivered Olivia.  I felt good.  Labor was doable (is that really a word?).  Recovery - no complaints.  But, 9 weeks!  That's not exactly right around the corner.  Holy cow. 

75% of the time, I fall in the 'Happy' pregnancy camp.  With Olivia, it was probably closer to 100%.  So, what I'm contemplating is this.....Is the 25% reduction (probably more like 50% if I'm being honest) due to A: I'm 37.  Not old by (my) standards, but not quite the young, chipper 32 I was when I had Olivia.  B: this is my 2nd full term pregnancy and this just happens or C: every pregnancy is different and you just never know what you're going to get? 

My whole life I wanted 4 kids.  I always wanted a big family.  Not only is that not possible now for a number of reasons, but I can't imagine doing this 2 more times!!  So, instead, I'm trying to cherish my last 9 weeks.  Enjoy the moments possible and not lose sight of the fact that this is the last time I'll experience it. 

But, let's lay down the over/under.  I keep telling Kyle I'm going into labor 3 weeks early.  That would put it around Aug 13th....Stay tuned! 

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