09 June 2010

Get a lot of Courage....Throw Out All Vanity

I did it!  I went to swim practice this morning.  Out of shape and 6 1/2 months pregnant, I took the 'plunge'.  Funny play on words, huh? 

I got there at 6:30am and swam for 45 min.  Not bad for Day 1.  And, considering it's been 1 1/2 yrs since I had a good swim workout, I'm patting myself on the back. 

I mean, what better time to start then when you're about to give birth, right?  I'm sure that's the thought that was going through most people's head at practice today.  But, the coach was very inviting and did not make me feel foolish at all.  I like him.  And, I ended up knowing one other guy there who is the dad of a boy in Olivia's school.  He was also very kind to me. 

Here's the best part - for 45 min of my life today, I felt a little back to normal.  I did not feel like I was carrying a bowling ball at all.  Except for the 10 seconds I decided to try backstroke.  My favorite.  Advice to anyone else wanting to try it.  Don't.  Do not do it.  I thought I was going to sink.  If you swim on your belly, you don't feel it.  If you swim on your back, it feels 4x as worse!! 

For the first part of the day, I had lots of energy and was on a bit of a 'high' as the exercise felt really good. 

Now.....I just want a nap.  And, I want to be laying down. 

Good thing I told the coach I'd see him Friday.  Now, I'm committed. 

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