21 April 2011

Isnt' it Ironic....??

Most of you know this.  But I have to write about it, because those of you who haven't heard, won't believe it. 

We got broken in to.  I'm talking days after my police visit.  Not even a week.  Literally.  Officer cop was at my office last Wed.  This Monday, we were broken in to.  I don't know what you officially call it.  'Attempted' may be the correct term.  'Violated' and 'mad' are what I feel!!  Regardless.  Thank GOD no one was hurt.  Michele (our new nanny) was home with Luke.  The 'insert-choice-name-here' people rang the doorbell, Michele didn't answer as she was in the garage doing laundry, they went around to the back thinking no one was home, broke the glass on the door in Olivia's bathroom and unlocked the bottom lock.  Do you remember my last post????  The locks Kyle recently installed??  Well, we think it stopped them.  They couldn't get the door open.  And left.  While letting our dog out to roam the streets.  Long story.  If you want more details, call me.  That's the jist of it though.  All is well now and amazingly, I feel really good that they couldn't get in, Michele was very calm and able to call 911 and everyone is safe.  Mr Officer called me today and said they arrested two men yesterday.  Not sure yet if it was the ones from our house, but we'll see.  Mr Officer is also coming to our house next week to do the 'survey' and tell us how to beef things up. 

That's over.  On to fun things. 

But first, I have to tell you about a funny blog I read.  It's one I read from time to time.  She's gotten pretty famous from it and has now written and published a cookbook and a novel.  Anyways...she wrote about the 'rules' of blogging.  I had to laugh as she listed one rule as 'the frequency of blogging' and that you have to make sure to post frequently.  That's what's wrong with my blog!!!  That's why no one ever leaves me comments!  That's why I have 7, precious, followers!!  Hmmm.  No one ever told me there were 'rules'.  I thought this was just my own therapy or release in life. 

Does it count if I'm constantly 'blogging' in my head?  I swear, I think of things all the time to write about.  It's just a matter, sadly, of carving out the 20 min a day to actually set aside everything else and write.  It's also the chicken and the egg.  If I write more, will more people respond.  Or, if more people respond and 'talk' back, will I write more.  It's my conversation from FL to TX.  We have lots to talk about. 

Summer is here in Miami.  It's actually quite pleasant and we're going to take advantage of it by taking the kids to Naples for the weekend.  Staying at this great resort that has a 100ft water slide, tons of activites on the beach and a nice, refreshing adult beverages.  Here are a few pictures of the kids.  I just updated pictures from my real camera to my laptop too, so I'll get more on here soon. 

Happy Easter everyone!!  xoxo!

Luke and his other 'baby buddies' from preschool.  The one in the middle is Rocco.  Great name, huh.  He is definitely making his best attempt to 'grow' into it.  He's a giant!  Only 2 months older than Luke (who is no wimpy baby himself; he's on the left by the way).  And his girlfriend, Addison.  She's 3 months older than Luke.  Short on food as well...can you tell?  It's been fun to see these three grow and change this year. 

This is Olivia and her best bud, Dylan.  Dylan is extremely shy and Olivia really does a nice job taking her under her wing and letting her come out of her shell a bit.  Olivia has also developed a bad habit of chewing on her hair.  Kyle threatened last night that if he catches her doing it again, he'll cut it off.  More to come on the length of Olivia's hair....  :)  This is from their school Easter Egg Hunt. 

Bouncy Boy.  All boy in that little body! 

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