28 September 2010

Perspective in Snippet's.....

Is that how you spell Snippet's??  Is it really a word? 

Anyways....life here is good.  I just don't get as much time on the computer as I used to.  Which means, updates are difficult!!  I know I sound like a broken record, but I got all the pics uploaded to the computer and will put them to Snapfish this week.  One step at a time...  I've readjusted my expectations.  With a newborn, you're somewhat confined to their schedule.  Especially if you're nursing.  So, as long as I get ONE thing a day accomplished that I wanted to = SUCCESS!  A much different pace than what I'm used to, but it's the only way not to feel disappointed at the day's end. 

Life is wonderful.  Luke is a very peaceful baby.  The night sleeping is going great.  The day sleeping....he's not too fond of unless we're in the car or stroller.  Although I have been able to get a couple good long ones in the crib.  See note above = success!  Small steps, remember.  But, for the most part, when he's awake, he's quite content.  No complaints here! 

Olivia started soccer last week and it's so much fun to watch her.  DeeDee, Kaitlyn and Josh were here last weekend and got to go with us to her first game.  She did great!  The 'team' needs some work, but we're in it for fun, so who cares?!  They have one girl on the team who can score, so we're not worried....yet!  :) 

So, back to the title of this blog.  I keep thinking of things I want to blog about all the time.  But, then I don't make it to the computer for days and I forget most or some of it.  So, for now, I might seem like I've fallen off my rocker, but you just might see random 'blog thoughts' in no particular order or that make logical sense!  I might have to see if I can update from my iPhone.  I'm sure you can, I just don't like typing on that thing all that much.

Back to DeeDee being here.  (See.... random thoughts, random order)  We had a great time with my sister and her kids here.  They were here for 4 short nights and I can't wait for them to come back.  Kaitlyn was hilarious!  I had no idea she was such a baby lover.  She gave all of us dirty looks if we tried to take Luke away from her.  She changed every diaper possible...with enthusiasm nonetheless!  And, wanted me to give her stored milk for bottle feedings so she could do them all.  It was precious!  She and my sister were huge helps.  We've nicknamed DeeDee the Baby Whisperer.  She's wonderful with babies and babies just seem cozier in her arms for some reason.  She is also amazing about telling me what to do and insisting on giving us a break.  We got a wonderful date night that was so relaxing!!  DeeDee watched all four kids so that Kyle and I could go out one night.  I got to wear a dress...and heels!  First time in months that my feet could withstand heels!  I felt like a girl again!  We went to our favorite restaurant, had a great meal (and a martini!) and just felt very at ease. 

My parents are coming back in a month for Olivia's birthday and to give Kyle and I a night away for our anniversary.  My list is growing of all the things I'm excited about.  A martini was originally on it, but I didn't know we'd get such a treat this last weekend!!  So now the list is a round of golf and a good night's sleep!!  We're heading over to Naples for the night.  It's a short drive away, but on the Gulf coast.  There's also a great steakhouse at the hotel we're staying at and we're looking forward to a relaxing dinner there!  I'm very lucky to have my family! 

Ok....duty calls.  Luke is awake and I need to help get Olivia ready for school.  Which reminds me of my next post.....the perspective of being a temporary Stay-at-Home-Mom.  Stay tuned. 

1 comment:

  1. Life is good sister!
    Glad he is such a good baby, not to forget he is so cute.
    We miss you here too much and it sucks we can't see you guys and be a part of the kids and your life daily.
    Hopefully we will have a chance to come visit soon.
    I bought Luke his Christmas outfit so hopefully you will like it. :)
    Or just tell me you do I won't know the difference. LU
