13 September 2010

Guess What Happens When You Have a Baby.....

You get VERY far behind on your blogging!!!!!

This is pretty much old news at this point, but.....

Luke Douglas Lane was born 8.26.10 at 8:43am.  He weighed 8lbs 3 oz and was 20.5".  (Do you think '8' should be his lucky number??)

Yes, I know we are well into September at this point.  I keep meaning to give updates, but somehow the 'life of a newborn' has mandated a little bit more of my time than I expected.  Amateur, I know! :)

I have a ton of pictures and will get them uploaded this week and post a link to check them out.  In the meantime, here are two that I took with my phone.  Much faster updating this way!! 

The labor and delivery went great.  Little exciting, but no drama, which was nice.  My good friend, Allison Kaplan, ended up coming to Miami on the 25th for a rescheduled business trip.  She was staying with us that night and came in the afternoon of the 25th.  I actually had a Dr's appt on the 25th and all looked good.  I was 2cm dilated, and 'progressing', but nothing that was alarming.  I felt so good that day that I even joked around with my Dr that I would go past my due date again, similar to when I had Olivia.  I picked Allison up around 3pm, we ran a few errands, took Olivia to her swim lesson and then came home to get ready for dinner.  The four of us went out to eat down to 'The Grove'....Coconut Grove that is.  I'd been experiencing strong contractions all day, but nothing that concerned me.  However, during dinner, they started to feel a little more constant.  So, I finally decided to track them.  By the time we left, they were about 8-10 min apart.  We drove home and put Olivia to bed.  Fortunately, Olivia was aware of the situation.  I explained to her that there was a chance the baby was ready to meet us and we might have to go to the hospital that night and if we did, Aunt Allison would stay with her.  We had two friends offer to be our 'middle of the night' call, but I could not have been more relieved to have Allison at our house!!  She's known Olivia since she was born and I just felt so good knowing she was taken care of. 

I guess I jumped ahead there.....we did end up going to the hospital!   Kyle, Allison and I sat around for an hour or so watching the clock and trying to decipher this going-into-labor thing.  I called my Dr and as expected, there are very few signs it's a sure thing.  Since Allison was there and Olivia didn't have to be interrupted, we figured it was as good as time as any to go get checked.  We got there about 11pm and I was still 2cm dilated.  They gave me a LOT of water to drink, thinking maybe I was dehydrated and that was causing the contractions.  Well, by the time the hour was up and the water was down, I was at 4cm!  So, we were admitted. 

We went through a few exciting times in the middle of the night where they lost Luke's heartbeat.  More times than they would like and for longer durations than they like.  We had a long conversation with our Dr about going in for a c-section or continuing the labor.  We decided to give it another try and the little guy decided it was finally his time.  He made his grand entrance like a champ and we got to hear the Dr say 'It's a Boy!!!'.  Very exciting. 

Luke is the most precious baby (aren't they all?).  He's very calm and loves to snuggle.  Olivia is doing great in her new role as Big Sister!!  She loves to kiss him and has adapted better than I would've hoped for. 

I will update more this week, but found a few moments of quiet time....for now! 


  1. Congratulations!!! I am so excited for all of you and can't wait to meet Luke :) I'm glad you are all happy and healthy and everyone is doing so well

    Sara (Baba)

  2. He is just perfect and we can't wait to meet him.
