05 October 2010

A Few 'Firsts' For the Week...

I know.  The next post was supposed to be about my 'Stay-at-Home-Mom' experience.  I'll get there.  I just have a second before swim class, but had to make note of a few key milestones. 

- She is really into reading and writing these days.  Or the beginning stages at least.  We posted these signs all over the house to help her recognize words and start putting things together.  She has 'bath' markers.  Well, last night all on her own, by memory, she spelled out 'DOOR' and told me what it said!!  I was beaming! 

- I got to play 'house' with her.  This probably the first time that she's invited me to do this.  Big step for us.  'Playing house' has always been reserved for Grandmothers and friends...otherwise known as 'the-people-that-have-time-to-sit-down-and-do-things-with-me.'  I really do pay attention to my daughter and we do lots of fun things together.  But, with working full time, nights are usually a bit crazy with dinner, bath, reading stories and getting to bed.  Weekends.  Well, we're usually on the go or playdates are going on.  So, I cherished the invite and we've been playing every day since. 

- Olivia scored a goal at soccer.  It was for the other team, but we're not going to concentrate on that part.  It was a goal...with contact made with the ball. 

- We had an impromptu birthday party at the house.  For Olivia's bear.  'Teddy' has officially become Olivia's version of Luke.  She nurses Teddy, she burps Teddy.  Teddy gets dressed for school and dressed for bed.  We have to shut the pocket door to the hallway when 'Teddy' naps.  So, apparently Teddy turned 3 this past Wed and we had a party.  Complete with a homemade birthday cake w/ sprinkles, candles and a present for Teddy to unwrap.  It was quite the celebration! 

Luke's firsts:
- He's starting to coo a little bit.  And smile on occasion.  It's beautiful.  His voice is just so sweet and his little smile makes me melt every time. 

- The little guy is now on his own.  He's in his crib.  I lasted two weeks with Olivia in the cradle.  She made so much noise.  Luke probably makes more noise, but I'm now a relaxed parent and can sleep through it.  For the most part.  But, at Week 5, we decided it was time for him to get used to his crib.  So far, so good.  Minus a few nights, he sleeps really well.  Last night.....(will probably jinx it now), I got a stretch from 9pm-4am!!  Of course, I probably spent an hour staring at the monitor making sure he moved and went in twice to make sure he was breathing! 

yes...I have my own list of 'firsts'.  Small, baby steps, but steps nonetheless. 

- I got into my old jeans....my pre-pregnancy, pre-transition clothes jeans.  Now, I have to be honest.  I opted to go for my more forgiving, non-skinny jeans.  I'm not crazy....after all.  I had lunch with a neighbor and wanted to wear something other than yoga pants or cargo pants.  I was quite thrilled, even though I still have room for improvement. 

- I ran a mile.  It was not pretty, but it was an accomplishment.  And, Luke joined me.  This leave has been quite relaxing.  I also have a great schedule.  Olivia starts school at 9am.  So, providing all things go well at night, I take her to school and then Luke and I go to the park to walk/run.  I get home around 10am, shower, get at least one thing done on my list (or at least try) and then pick Olivia up at 1:45pm from school.  Oh yeah - and feed a baby a few times in there, attempt to get him down for a nap or two and eat lunch. 

So...there's our week.  I started this blog last Friday.  Was going to end the week with it.  I'm finishing it up on Tuesday.  Life with a Newborn. 

1 comment:

  1. Life as a "Puerto Rican/Brazilian" without kids and married to a Lane.

    Finished furniture photo shoot on location which makes me crazy as daily i looked at these $$$$$$$ million dollar houses at White Rock Lake and other neighborhoods and my flesh took over my spirit. I want to redecorate and spend ALL my money on everything I can't take to Heaven with me.

    With our jobs still pending security i was back to work in half of the schedule time.
    Everybody getting laid off. Sorry not me, not yet.

    Just like all the other Lane man, my husband it's also gorgeous, sweet and well hang, however, has manage to still throw his dirty clothing in front of the hamper and not IN IT!!! Something about being too hard to open the lid.
    How can they be so amazing and yet… Oh well I better keep it PG.

    My health exam this week has measured me shorter, fatter and unhealthier than before. Everything has been blamed on quit smoking and after "40". Seriously???? I love being 41 and smoking was so calming to me.

    My Triglycerides needs to be 100 or less and I scored BIG, 259! Go me!

    More to come as we .... piggy back on the white people's blogs.
    love you all
    Lili Lane
