02 July 2010

A Plea....

To all past, present and future Texas quarterbacks.....

Do not take drugs, do not get in a fight at a strip bar at 3am, and do not ruin all previous and future successes by being stupid. 

Most importantly - DO NOT make our school look bad.  You are making us look like UT is from some poe-dunk (sp??) hoodlum town....not the state capitol.  Not one of the more prestigious universities in the US. 

I'm sure it started before this, but Ricky Williams was one of the more recent disappointments with his....'to smoke pot or to not smoke pot dilema's'.  And his pondering of 'do I want to be in the NFL or do I want to go to some remote island and insert-word-here my life away?'  Then, Vince Young recently got in trouble with the law for getting into an 'altercation' of some sort while at a 'gentleman's club' in Dallas at 3am.  Don't you know - you're in the NFL and making lots of money and all eyes are on you.  Don't screw it up. 

And now....I just saw a headline that Chris Simms.....of all people.....backup quarterback for the Tennessee Titans, got arrested for 'driving while stoned'.  Maybe this is his way of making headlines again.  Best part - he had his pregnant wife in the car with him.  In NYC driving.  Don't you know that if you have a pregnant wife, you have a non-negotiable, built-in designated driver!!!  Idiot. 


On to better topics.  It's the Friday of a holiday weekend!!  And, we have guests in town.  I'm afraid I might get very, very far behind now with all of our excitement over the next few weeks.  I have great pics from our trip home I need to get to.  And, the day after we got back, my sister and her kids came in town.  We're all having a blast and Olivia is absolutely beside herself.  She and Josh are always inseparable, but this time, she won't leave Kaitlyn or 'sissy' alone.  She wants to mimic and copy everything Sissy does.  It's very cute.  They all went to the beach yesterday and I've never seen kids so tired in my life.  It's brilliant.  Everyone should have a sunny beach miles from your house to have peace and quiet by 8pm.  Try it - works beautifully!! 

Tomorrow morning we get up and drive down to Key Largo.  We're staying down there through Sunday afternoon and then driving back in time for our neighborhood party.  We live on a great street and everyone BBQ's, swims and after dark, the fireman that lives on our street parks a firetruck in the middle and handles all the firework displays.  Should be a lot of fun!!  Then, two more days of fun before Olivia heads to San Antonio with DeeDee and Kenneth and Lili make their way to Miami on the way home from their honeymoon!! 

We also got the baby's room painted today, so up next for us....getting all the 5yr old dust-gathered baby things out of storage and set up!!! 

Happy 4th of July to everyone!!! 

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