16 May 2010

Where do you go when you get in trouble?

We decided this kind of time out works best.  What do you guys think?  Cruel and unusual punishment or 'misery loves company'? 

Like all kids discovering something new, Olivia decided that Eddie's cage was a great place to hang out.  He's quite fond of his 'house' after all, so why not?  In all seriousness, we kindly told her that his cage is not a place to play.  Feel relieved? 

However, I have decided that the picture above is the perfect analogy for how I feel these days with my pictures.....CAGED IN!!  I have gotten SO far behind in my digital 'upkeeping' that I don't even know where to begin.  I just found all these cute pictures...going all the way back to Olivia's birthday party.  I guess I just write off the past 6 months and start now.  But, there are some really good ones.  Who knows?  I keep telling myself that my upcoming maternity leave is going to be my time to 'catch up' on all this stuff.  Yeah, right!  Because a newborn and a pre-schooler do not take up ANY of your time.  Maybe I should just decide now to take a sabbatical. 

Does anyone out there have good plans in place for maintaining all this stuff?  Inquiring and 'Caged In' minds want to know??? 

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