08 May 2010

What Envy and Success Look Like....

Success!!! the Medal Olivia received from swim school.  She accomplished a lot in one week.  She is now a full-fledged fish!  We cannot keep her out of the water.  Every night when she comes back from swimming lessons, she just wants to go straight into our pool.  She's doing cannonballs (not sure who taught her this??), swimming freestyle (the form has a ways to go) and can almost swim all the way across the pool without stopping.  On her last day of class, she even floated on her back and kicked on her back all the way to the side with her hands above her head.  Awesome!  This makes my heart happy.

Here's envy.  I talked to the coach for a bit today.  To all you who wrote back saying I should 'bare my belly' and get in the pool (ahem....I fully realize by the way that you are not pregnant and not having to experience the embarrassment yourself, but I'll take the good advice for what it is....!), I'm one step closer.  First, the coach said there's only 3 or 4 Master's people there swimming after the club kids finish up.  Great news.  And, his wife swam up until she delivered with two of their kids.  So, I'm going to call my OB and get his permission.  Then, provided (and that's a big provided) I can find a maternity workout suit, I'm going to try it.  I'm pretty excited about it actually.  The exercise will be great and I can do it through the last trimester, whereas this heat is starting to kill me in my attempts to workout outside.  90f and 90% humidity do not fare well on 'ol preggo!! 

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