16 April 2010

Big Dose of Reality.....

Well....guess what?  I'm not a spring chicken any more! 

Want to know how I figured that out (as you're probably saying to yourself....'really, you're just now learning that'??).

You see, I've been interviewing for a summer intern.  I conducted phone interviews the other week and then flew down the final candidates to our office for the final round.  It was a very impressionable experience (is that correct grammar?).

Two things hit me about this experience....

1.  I'm not 'young' any more.  It still feels like I was in college yesterday. And, overall, I feel like a 'younger' person.  But, when you walk smack-dab into a 19yr old that's hungry, driven, and got it pulled together....not so much Kristin.  You're not as young as you think. Sure, I'm older and wiser (making myself feel good here...go with it).  I'm also 37 and pregnant!!  Don't I know that this should've been taken care of 10 years ago!   To the 19yr old....I left college almost TWO decades ago!  What the hell have I been thinking??  Who am I trying to kid?  I'm.....middle-aged!  Am I really?  I sure don't think so.  Or, at least would like to pretend that I'm not.  

I just 'googled' middle-age to see if it the definition could make me feel any better.  Here's what I found:

"The US Census lists middle age as including both the age categories 35 to 44 and 45 to 54, while prominent social scientist, Erik Erikson, sees it ending a little later and defines middle adulthood as between 40 and 65."

......could that be any more vague?  Basically a range of 35 to 60?  What kind of bracket is that? 

"Middle-aged adults often show visible signs of aging such as loss of skin elasticity and graying of the hair. Physical fitness usually wanes, with a 5–10 kg (10-20 lb) accumulation of body fat, reduction in aerobic performance and a decrease in maximal heart rate. Strength and flexibility also decrease throughout middle age."

Prior to being pregnant, I'd like to think I was ok in everything up there but the 'graying' part.  I do get my hair highlighted a little more frequently than I used to....to cover up a certain color I don't like seeing on my head.  I'm probably kidding myself on the physical fitness part too, although I think I'm still pretty 'fitness oriented' and can live with just a little 'reduction'.  Makes you work harder, right?

So, on to #2.

2.  I am VERY glad I'm not a college student.  This goes completely counter to everything I just complained about above.  I know.  But, I realized that all this 'millenial' stuff is a bunch of lies.  They are not slackers.  At least not the ones looking for summer interns.  They are crazy-driven and crazy-eager to succeed.  Watch out.  I think I was just looking into the face of my 'future boss'.  I would not want to be competing in that crowd for any amount of money.  These kids have done more than I ever thought possible by age 19!  I thought I did pretty well for myself (and with the help of my generous parents) by the time I was 19.  Ha!  I didn't have a 'resume' by that age...especially one that could fill an entire page. 

Pretty impressive I have to say.  Hats off to these kids.  However, here's my one bit of unsolicited advice......

Enjoy college.  Enjoy being 19.  You have plenty of time to get everything done by the time you're 35.  I promise.  At the rate you're going, you'll probably get it done by the time you're 28.  Relax.  Have a beer.  Or two.  Heck....it's Friday.  Have three. 

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