24 March 2010

When You're Given Lemonade.....Make it into Margaritas!

Well, the pregnancy has kicked in.  I am tired and very behind on my blogging duties!  I've had a partial draft of the blog below for about 10 days.  I have pictures to go with it, but I don't have the energy to upload them right now.  Could be because I've been in a training class for two days solid and have no 'brain' energy left, but easier to blame on the pregnancy!  :)  The pics will follow, soon. 

Before we moved to Miami, a good friend told me to make sure we took advantage of the move and experienced all that we could while here.  I try to keep that in my mind all the time.  We love it here, but I can't imagine living here forever.  So, becuase of that, I'm going to do my darndest to make the most of it! 

We've had both grandmothers here over the past month, which has been awesome!  We love having visitors and Olivia loves being spoiled!!  It also gives Kyle and I a chance to get away for a few date nights, which happens much less than it did when we lived 5 miles from Gogi's and Olivia had her own bedroom at her house.  So, they are treasured. 

As for the rest of the weekends, for not knowing many people, we seem to have a lot going on!!  If we do stuff with people, it's one of two families for the most part.  I love hanging out with the Herman's.  They are the ones we met when we were house hunting this summer and now live two blocks away.  They are 'southern' people and we really get along great!  Barry loves to cook and is always trying new things.  He's a great cook!  And, when they come over to our house, I get to pull out all the new recipes I've been wanting to try and use him as my guinea pig!  It works out great!  Dana and Kyle get to reap the benefits!  Perfect. 

We've also been 'festival' happy lately.  I guess when it's 75 and sunny all the time, you can plan things all year round.  A month ago we went to this big Arts Festival down in Coconut Grove.  I think I already wrote about this (see note above), so I'll stop there.  We have this amazing park by our house.  It's H.U.G.E.  It has a big park, a river, a hike and bike trail, volleyball courts, circuit training, etc.  A few weekends ago, they had this community picnic.  There were a dozen gigantic blow up slides for the kids, cotton candy, hot dogs, BBQ, snow cones, music, arts & crafts, etc.  And, it was all FREE.  We couldn't believe it.  We went with Dana, her kids and Harper (Olivia's backyard friend).  Everyone had a blast. 

The next day, we went down to this Carnivale festival.  Hard to explain.  It's called Calle Ocho (8th Street in Spanish), although it's on this place called the Miracle Mile.  Turns out it's the prelude festival for the real one in Miami's 'Havana'.  Tons of Cuban music, food, arts, etc.  We decided to bring Eddie.  Good place to get a walk in for your dog, right?  Apparently not with a vizsla.  Everyone.  And, I mean everyone, stopped us to ask what he was, if they could pet him, etc.  We couldn't walk two feet without getting stopped.  Poor guy was so exhausted by the time we left, we had to carry him.  Then, he got sick in the car on the way home.  Think it was all the man-handling he had to suffer through! 

This weekend is the start of Olivia's spring break and we're heading over to Marco Island.  Staying on the beach in a hotel.  Olivia needs nothing else to get excited!  She can't wait.  Kyle and I are pretty excited too.  Will be nice to get away, even if only for a few days. 

Then, in a few weeks, Kyle and I get to get away for a few days.  I have a trip in Seattle, so we're heading out the weekend ahead of time.  The great part is that we have to connect through Dallas, so Olivia's coming with us on the first leg and staying at Gogi's for 5 days.  This will be a great time for all!! 

Come visit!!  We love visitors! 

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