01 March 2010

And They Said We Should Name Him 'Bad Decision'

Nope.  Not talking about the baby that will introduce him/her self in Sept.  I'm talking about this adorable little guy.  Kyle received a text from a friend who will remain nameless, (hint... rhymes with 'Sal') that suggested we give this little guy that name!! 
Isn't this the cutest thing you've ever seen? 

Meet Eddie.  He is 10 weeks old this week.  I actually think he was born Christmas Eve, but I can't remember at the moment. 

How in the world did we end up with yet our 3rd Vizsla after my lengthy post a month ago about us not knowing what to do about a dog, you ask?  So, here's the funny story.  Funny to us at least.  A few weekends ago, we went to the Coconut Grove Arts Festival.  Very cool.  If anyone is familiar with the area, Coconut Grove is like the Austin of Miami.  A little bit hippie, little bit college town, and quite eclectic.  We love it.  This Arts Festival is a huge event lasting over 3 days, right on the water.  Probably even a little bit more fun when you can partake in adult beverages, but still very cool.  We went down and hung out for the day.  Didn't buy any art, but did see a lot of dogs walking around with owners throughout the event.  As we were leaving, Kyle turned to me out of the blue and said 'Seeing all these dogs makes me think I'm ready again for one.'  Music to my ears!!  As one not to sit around and wait for things to happen, I took Kyle, his mom and Olivia to Petsmart the following day when they have 'adoption day' from nearby shelters.  My chance to strike while the iron's hot! 

We saw a few we liked, but none that we really got excited about.  There was even one there that was part-Chow and looked a lot like Jackie.  Kyle liked him, but we found out he's not good with other dogs.  Not ideal seeing as how our neighbors pet sit with their dog when we go out of town.  So, we left and drove to lunch.  On our way, Kyle spotted a man coming up on the hike and bike trail beside us.  We pulled over to watch, like crazy people.  We even got excited.  Even Olivia.  The guy was riding his bike with his vizsla running right beside him.  I'm sure he called 9-1-1 after as we were sitting on the shoulder of the road with all our head's out the window!  And, we knew.  We knew without saying that we just really fell in love with this particular breed and wouldn't be happy unless we had a vizsla. 

So, we went on to lunch.  On the way, Kyle and I came to the decision that we would just wait until the time was right to get a vizsla.  For a number of reasons.  It could be 3 years down the road and we were both ok with that decision. 

Tuesday, I'm on the plane heading to Aruba.  When I go to the islands I turn off my personal phone until I get back because I get ridiculous roaming charges.  Right as I'm getting ready to turn it off, my phone rings with a number I don't recognize.  For some reason, I answered (not my normal protocol).  It was a breeder I'd emailed a month ago with no response.  She had one male pup left (the sex we wanted) and although she lived in the central part of FL, she would be in Miami Thursday for a Dr's appt and could bring him down.  Her price was 2/3 of the other quotes we'd gotten and we needed to make a decision by that night. 

Obviously, you can tell what our answer was in this situation.  And, we LOVE him.  He's already an awesome dog and overnight, Olivia has a new best friend.  We all do really.  But, these two are inseperable.  Even though he's a tiny puppy, he picked up right where Sam left off.  He goes in with us at night for bedtime stories and stays in there until about 9pm or so.  Kyle couldn't find him the other day while Olivia was at school.  After searching the house, he found Eddie curled up in a ball on a chair in Olivia's room. 

And, this is what he does when he's not getting into trouble. 

So, although many of our friends think we're crazy (which is probably true) for getting another vizsla, we are quite thrilled! 

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