16 February 2010

Just When You're Getting Settled......

Things change. I could beat around the bush, play coy or try to give everyone some riddle to figure out. But, I’m not feeling that creative at this moment.

So…….the Lane family is expanding!! Yes, it is official. Baby Lane will arrive sometime around Sept 4th, 2010!! The first Miami-born resident for the Dickinson/Lane family.

How does Olivia feel about this, you ask? Hmmm…..confused, excited, nervous, not-excited, happy…I guess it depends on her mood when you ask. For years, Olivia has been asking (and praying) for a baby in the family. Now that reality is setting in or she’s learning that life as the sole attention-receiver is not all that bad, she’s a little uneasy about this change. Of course, I know she will be both thrilled when the baby is born and ready to send him/her back from time to time!

She’s also dying to know if she’s going to get a baby sister. For those that suffered through the ‘not knowing’ period with us the last time, we have decided again to be surprised and not find out what we’re having. I know…believe me. I can hear it already. Julie’s already expressed her dislike with this decision. :) As much as I like to ‘plan’, I like to test my creative/patience skills more by trying to find that one cute unisex nursery bedding that exists out there! Olivia survived just fine with a green room. Hard to believe.

Outside of this life-changing event, all is good. As Kyle reminded me the other day, going through the summer months in Miami 8 months pregnant will be very pleasant! Ha!! I cannot wait. I think we might relocate to Idaho just for the summer. Stay tuned.

One of the funny things in all this is that my new Dr is our realtor’s son. I don’t know why it makes me laugh, but it just does. My mom said it reminds her of a commune of sorts. I remember talking to our realtor (Mari) about a house the day she was at her son’s graduation from medical school. His name is Dr Roca and he was named ‘Dr McDreamy’ from his medical school (for those Grey’s watchers) and he ended up getting into a practice rather close to our house, so I figured I should just put trust in the whole family. After all, Mari stuck by us like glue for a painful 6 months/300 home tours until we found our house! Kyle and I both really like him and he’s put up with my rather frequent visits in the first trimester, which has been very reassuring.

So, we’ll enjoy the next 6 months of calmness before the mayhem breaks out! Come visit while it’s safe.

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