10 February 2010

Can't Stop the Faucet....

Now that I talked about all the randomness coming back to my mind, I can't stop.  Slight exaggeration, as there is really nothing that exciting going on in our lives.  But, if you know me, my mind does not rest easy. 

Anyways, I'm here today to talk about the weather.  Not an exciting subject, really.  I once heard someone say that the weather and children were the lowest common demoninators.  Which means, if you are at a lack of words or small talk, you mention one of these.  Knowing this, I laugh to myself whenever I'm talking to someone and either subject comes up...thinking 'Hmm, I guess we are out of things to talk about.'

That, however, is not the case here.  I just really need to follow up on an earlier discussion, pre-holiday.  There were/are many things about Miami that take getting used to - the lack of the English language, the really, really bad driving practiced here, the traffic, the amount of people at the airport (fueled largely by the cruise ships coming in and out on a daily basis), the lack of Mexican restaurants, the fact that there are no good radio stations, etc.  However, the one thing no one warned me about was the weather.  And, I'm not from up north.  I've lived in HOT places.  Arizona and Texas to be exact.  For a long time. 

But, when it was 85f and November here, I was more than a little homesick.  In fact, I was ready to move the hell out of here.  We had the warmest 'fall' ever.  And, it was really humid.  Not a good combo.  I was quite sad when all my friends in TX got a snow day before the holidays.  That never happens in TX.  It was absolutely wonderful to be in NYC in early Dec with cold and snow and then to be in TX for Christmas with cold and snow AGAIN.  It was beautiful.  It made the holiday. 

That has all changed.  I now LOVE Miami.  I think Jan/Feb in Miami is quite possibly one of the best places to be in the world.  If I were a snowbird, I wouldn't come a day before Jan 1st, but I sure as heck understand now why they are here. 

Look at these two pictures.  The one on top is the weather across the nation as of TODAY.  The bottom picture was the one I posted before the holidays. 

I've learned this about myself in my blogging diary.  I need winter/fall/cooler weather, but I'm sure glad I don't live in Minnesota.  Three months later, the temperatures are just about the exact same everywhere.  Only Miami has dropped 10 degrees.  Back in Nov/Dec, everyone kept saying...'just wait until Jan-Mar, it's the most beautiful weather in the world.'  I get it. 

While everyone else is bundled up, shoveling snow, staying indoors and suffering through blizzards, the Lane family is going to the park, riding our bikes outside, taking walks in the neighborhood at night, having BBQ's, and playing in the water park at the zoo. 

Life is not bad afterall.  It's in the 70's during the day and in the 50's at night.  Amazing.  And, the bluest skies imagineable.  I'm learning to like this place. 

Here was a surprising conversation with my husband on Saturday while we were watching Olivia play at the playground.

Me, "You know, I really miss the Tx hill country."
Kyle, "There is not a thing about Tx that I miss" (now imagine my jaw on the ground)
Me, "What, really, nothing at all?"
Kyle," Look at this place?  Are you kidding me?  There's nothing more perfect than this right now." (It was 70 and sunny). 

Tough to argue with that one.

For all of our friends and family that need some warm weather and a beach....come visit!!!  It's quite nice. 

Side note: Blogger made some good updates on the 'underside' of the blog.  However, I just noticed that they took away the spell check function.  I'm not quite sure what to do.  I have mispelled words.  If I have any from here on out, please accept my sincere apology!!! 

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