01 January 2010

Happy 2010!!

I feel like that is a very generic heading....but as I'm writing on the 1st day of the New Year, it feels as much appropriate as generic!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year celebrating with friends and family. We had an absolutely fabulous time in TX. We got to see a few friends, lots of family, and S.N.O.W. On more than one occasion. The snow is also part of the reason we didn't get to see more friends, unfortunately. It was the first time Dallas received snow over Christmas in 70 years!! Unbelievable. It was beautiful. But, it also made it challenging to get around and to get people out. Olivia made snow angels, we had snowball fights and we loved every minute of it. I've got pics, just haven't uploaded them yet. Of course.

We are back in sunny Florida and I have to admit.....distance does make the heart grow fonder. As much as we really enjoyed being in the cold for Christmas and seeing snow.....we were a bit excited to see blue skies, sunshine and weather that made it possible to run at the park this morning. Don't get me wrong...I really have been going through a weather-lack-of-season-depression the past few months, but it really has been a bit invigorating to be back. Everything is green here. We have flowers blooming and leaves on the trees. Shh.....don't tell anyone. This week it's supposed to be in the 60s/40s. Not bad, I tell you.

To take advantage of this fine weather, we have decided to drive down to 'the Keys' tomorrow. I'm typically the planner in the group. But, I think tomorrow, we just might hold the spontaneity torch and see where we end up. We can't stay the night because of Sam (see below), but it's close enough that it should be a good day trip. I'll let you know where we end up.

We also got invited over to our friends, from Tallahassee, tonight. They are one of two families we hang out with the most and really have a lot in common. They were right up there in tradition with eating Black-eyed peas today, so we brought the peas and they made the rest. Amazing dinner. Barry is the Director of Food and Beverage at one of the big country clubs here and boy does he know how to cook!!! He made homemade fried chicken, collard greens (my first time eating them...apparently you eat them New Year's Day for wealth in the following year!), homemade cornbread, and real mac and cheese...not the kind from the box. Very glad I got a run in at the park this morning!! Barry and Dana also went to Florida State so we paid homage to Bowden's last game as a collegiate football coach. It was a great time.

On a completely different note.....our poor Sam is in bad shape. We got back from TX to find a fairly large tumor under his left front leg. We got a 2nd opinion on Friday and although we really like the new vet, the prognosis is a bit of the same. She wanted to refer us to an oncologist for dogs, but we kindly declined after learning that it would be thousands of $$ and only add 1-2 years to the little guy's life. We are torn up about this. Sam stayed with the vet for a few hours of tests on Friday and it was enough for her to fall in love with him. Kyle has now nicknamed Sam 'Tripod' as he can only walk on three legs. And, Olivia has lost her bed buddy as he's in too much pain to stay in her bed. We're taking him in for surgery on Monday. Although the surgery won't prolong anything, we're hoping that it at least gets rid of the tumor enough to make him comfortable and able to walk/run again. And now, much like with Jake, we just wait for signs that he's ready. This is killing me. He's too young and too good of a dog.

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