11 September 2009

This Can't Be Happening....

So, we close on the house today. Hopefully. We are in hell right now and I don't want to think about what we're trying to deal with. I'm praying this is a funny story we can laugh about later with a cold beer in hand.

But, for now, I have to blog about something WAY more important.....my precious little 3 YR OLD's first.Crush!! Yep, you read that right. I'm not talking about a cute little innocent matter. It is actually innocent. Completely. right? She's 3. Yes, almost 4 and she's a rather mature 3 yr old, but still.

You see. Olivia started school last week. Preschool. All has gone well until yesterday. Prior to yesterday, she talked about all the fun kids in her class, recess, chapel, lunch time. Now. It's ALL about Keiffer. Keiffer, Keiffer, Keiffer.

In one day, it all turned around. She wants Keiffer over for a playdate, Keiffer needs to come see our new house, is Keiffer coming to the birthday party she's attending Sat?, Keiffer likes turkey sandwiches for lunch, Keiffer is her new imaginary playmate, Keiffer is the only one she wants to invite to her birthday party and now it's supposed to be a 'Spiderman' theme, not the original 'Ariel' theme she wanted. We drove from the new hosue back to the condo last night and, no exaggeration, I heard his name 100 times!

....and best of all....'I'm going to wear this tomorrow and look pretty for Keiffer' was the last thing out her mouth last night as we were picking out her school clothes for the next day! WHAT?? really? She's learned that. How? I don't walk around the house saying 'boy, I hope Daddy thinks I look pretty in this'....where did she learn this? Is it taught on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse that she watches on Sat mornings? Dora doesn't ask Boots if she looks pretty, does she?

Isn't this supposed to come MUCH later in my child's life?? I am so not ready for this yet. Can you tell?

Kyle's all ready to scope this kid out at the birthday party tomorrow and have his first 'talk' as a father. That thought just makes me laugh. Can you imagine Kyle talking to a 4yr old about leaving his daughter alone. (After all, we've already been told a thousand times that 'Keiffer is older'). Pretty funny stuff. I'm thinking I should go on my own with Olivia, as to avoid a scene.

The best part. Mr. Keiffer is the son of the teacher's aide in her class.

Please tell me this is a phase.....

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