07 September 2009

Searching all Skyper's.....

We have learned that 'Skyping' is a fabulous way to keep in touch with all of our loved ones far away....

But. We need names and/or addresses. I've tried searching in the database for quite a few people and have found that it's harder than it looks. So, if you're interested, please send me your 'skype' id or email address to find you. I have two I use. My work one (Klane329, Miami) and our home one (klane239, Arlington). I think those are the Skype id's.

So, if you're interested, please send me your name and I'll look you up. Or, send me a request and I'll add you to ours.

Also, some people have inquired about leaving comments on the blog. please do. I feel like I'm writing to myself and I'd much prefer to hear from you all than just myself!!! I'm kind of boring. Just click on the '0 comments' at the end of each blog and you can leave messages. Can't wait to read them!! Write away friends.

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