22 September 2009

Digging Out....

You know you're moving when...

your cute, precious, almost-4yr-old daughter asks after school..'mom, do you think you could not wear your hat (Longhorn baseball cap, that is) tonight?'. yes, 5 days straight of jogging clothes, hat on, no make-up, moving, unpacking and an extremely aching back that is in dire need of a good massage. Make that, great massage! And, we aren't even done yet.

Turns out we had 30,000 LBS of 'stuff' moved all the way from TX. I bet 15,000lbs of it needs to be thrown away. We had two garage sales in the 6 months prior to moving, in addition to really cleaning out a lot of stuff prior to the movers coming in. I did not want to unpack a box of stuff and say to myself 'Why in the world did this get packed?'. But, guess what I've said about a hundred times since Thursday?? It's my first move outside of the one to Dallas with Frito-Lay right after graduation. I think everything would've fit in a U-Haul back then. I guess you don't really know how to move until you become an expert at it. At least that's what I'm telling myself to feel better about it. We also lost 1k sq feet of living space, a lot of built-ins and we've lived for the past two months with very little. Puts it in perspective. You really don't need much when it's all said and done. My other revelation...don't spend a lot of money on built-ins. Surprise - you can't take them with you when you move! I've lost a lot of storage space, space to display pictures, decorative things and am stuck with what to do.

But, the good news. I love the house. The color on the walls made a big difference. It feels a bit more like home. We've eaten outside on the patio every night. No bugs. The screen is genius! I have my kitchen back. Feels great! We've had a lot of neighbors come by and introduce themselves. Two bottles of champagne to drink - one from our loan officer (?) and one from the very kind people we bought the house from. They left a bottle in the fridge. Isn't that extremely sweet?! (I never even thought of that with the people that bought our house). They were very good to us. And, if you remember my story about the nice girl with the young daughter Olivia played with on a house hunting trip a few months ago?....We've seen her a few times between school and a birthday party for a kid in O's school. She's very nice, her husband is a big golfer and Olivia and her daughter, Ann Marie get along GREAT. She brought a bottle of wine over, along with a LONG list of extremely valuable things.....phone numbers - i.e. dentist, pediatrician, pediatric dentist, eye Dr, gymnastics, ballet, dermatologist!! It's obvious she just relocated too!

I still need to post pictures of our wonderful visit from Kenneth and Lili! So behind. Kyle's mom is here now for 10 days and Olivia is in heaven with 'Gogi' around!! After that....a surprise for Olivia. 'Baba' (a.k.a. Sara) is coming!! We're trying to keep it a surprise for her, but it's killing me not to tell her! I know she will be beside herself.

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