29 September 2009

This was SO yesterday....and I'm Well Aware!

This is Olivia's first day of school at Old Cutler Presbyterian! I forgot to turn the camera the other way and you can't correct once loaded, so my apologies.

Leaving the condo. Very happy girl with her new Tinkerbell backpack as big as her and her Disney princess lunchbox. Big marketing ploy that tricks us every time!! (The funny part....Kyle got suckered into it this time!)

Outside her classroom....

Inside her classroom....

Going for Ice Cream at Swenson's after school to celebrate! The kid picked the biggest sundae on the menu. Couldn't believe they had a Swenson's here. Loved it as a kid and went all the time in Az. Unfortunately, I don't think the one here has been updated since 1982.....first....and last....time for us. Fun, regardless.

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