04 August 2009

Many Moons Ago.....

Here is our LAST weekend in Texas. It already feels like a long time ago....I can't tell if we feel like we're on a never-ending vacation or if we just can't admit we're not coming back anytime soon. So. Sad.

The weekend was filled with LOTS of activity. All including friends and family. Kyle and I went out with Allison and Jay to get some Tex-Mex at our favorite place, Manny's, one last time. It was a beautiful night to sit outside and have a margarita! Funny part...we got there a bit early to let Gogi (Olivia's name for Kyle's mom) enjoy her last night with Olivia by herself. We walked in, put our name on the list, went over to the bar, and right behind us - the Castro's!!! So, Julie and Gabe got to meet Jay, I got to entertain Ella so Julie and Gabe could actually enjoy a meal, and Charlie slept the whole time!! We had a great time with everyone and even got to see Allison look adorable in her helmet as she rode off on the motorcycle with Jay!!

The next day was a first - Olivia and the American Girl store!! It was not as painful as I expected and she was pretty cute running around the store trying to pick out 'the one'!! After much deliberation, 'Julie' was picked and $20 later her hair was braided (the biggest scam ever!!). That night, we got together for our millionth 'going away' party with friends. At Moni's. Our favorite hole-in-the-wall Italian place by our old house. Lots of memories at that place. So, fitting that it all ended there. Then, on Sunday, my sister and her kids made it up for one last short trip! Olivia was very excited to have her cousins around. We swam all day at Kenneth and Lili's and then they all got to stay in a hotel with DeeDee.

No surprise....I took lots and lots of pictures!! Had to make sure we got them all to take with us for our new 'insert-word-for-home-here'.

Olivia and 'Mama'...the owner of Moni's (Moni's wife). Ever since Olivia was an infant, Mama grabs Olivia the minute she comes in and takes her around while we eat. They have a great bond! Do we look like we're in Venice??
The Lane boys being ornery as ever!!

Olivia and her boyfriend of the night - Nolan!
Chris, Al, Kyle and Ron.....the golfing foursome!

Baba and Olivia (and Chris)....too cute!
Sara trying to steal the newborn (Rylan). Give Sara a baby and she's the happiest girl in the world! She spotted him a mile away. :) Me and the girls...Allison, Amy, Jannea and Frogge (Jennifer). 5 of the 10 dinner club girls!!

Keith...Mr 'Chief of Police' Lane!! We are SO proud. Keith is the just-announced Chief of Police for Haltom City!! Doesn't he look mean?

Me and the nephews....such handsome boys! I will miss them. Can't wait for them to make their way to visit.

I have a few fun videos of the cousins swimming that I will post later. Must get to work!

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