26 August 2009

Beach Bums....

Based on the email I just got from Lynette, Lili, and a few others, there is a bit of curiosity around the new house. I promise I will post pics soon on it. I just haven’t gotten around to uploading them yet. I’ve been way too busy having fun with a visitor in town, picking out paint colors, and trying to remember what we actually own that we will see again in a month!

Until then, I’m also cherishing our last few weeks in the condo. I don’t know how many opportunities we will get again in our working life to live this good. I guess ‘good’ is relative. Yes, we are in tight quarters. Yes, Kyle is absolutely ready to not ever have to walk Sam again. And Sam, is more than ready to have a backyard to run around in. The long hallway from our condo to the elevator only gets him so far. He does get some pretty good speed going when we let him off the leash, and as a result, he has a tendency to sound like a horse stampeding! Luckily, we live in ‘hurricane’ country and the building is pretty solid and sound-proof! And, although I feel like we are in a bit of ‘urban-ness’, the conveniences associated with it are not really there. You can’t really walk to a market for groceries or a restaurant for dinner. The dry cleaners in the building cost a large fortune. So…..we drive everywhere to get ‘stuff’ done. And, as mentioned before, the traffic and the drivers are horrible.

But, believe me….there is plenty of good right now!....So, I’ll illustrate with pictures.

This is the view off the left side of our balcony of the intercoastal. This is looking towards the infamous South Beach.

The whole back side of the condo is windows. This right here, my friends, is our view. Everyday. Would you want to leave? There is an island of uber-mansions. Beyond that...downtown Miami.
This is the view off the right side of our balcony. It's actually looking towards the front side of the condo and the Atlantic Ocean as we have a corner unit. The pool in this picture also changes colors at night (purple, blue, green, ect), so it's kind of fun to watch.
This is Kyle's favorite part of the day. Dog walking. We do rock/paper/scissors occassionally. Never fail, I lose. Olivia somehow thinks it's 'fun' to carry the 'doggy bag'. Oh, poor child. Someday, she'll learn. (And, no, her hand is not in a dirty bag...still clean!)
Is this the dog's life or what?? Sunbathing on your bed with a bone an toys.

I will absolutely miss this view. It is a glorious site in the morning, the afternoon and the evening. Storms are amazing to watch from here. Olivia is learning her numbers and letters (L for Lobby, G for Garage) via the elevator we go on a million times a day. It’s a great teaching tool. I get greeted by extremely happy people every morning as I get my car out of valet to go to work. ‘Alfredo’ is my favorite. He is the nicest, little Latin man. And, he lets me practice my Spanish with him. We can go to the beach every day. Every.Day. We don’t. But, we go a lot. Kyle and I are still a little freaked out by the ‘shark’ thing. The water’s warm here. Isn’t that when they come around?? Doesn’t someone always get attacked by a shark in Florida? Olivia has a lot of questions about sharks. She asked me the other day where the sun goes when it goes to bed. We were driving along the ocean, so I answered with the first thought that popped into my head – ‘the ocean!’. The sun goes to sleep in the ocean. Sounds good, right? The first thing after that from Olivia – ‘But, Mom, he’ll get eaten by the sharks’. Smart kid. Scared Mom.

The absolute best part…..last Sunday morning, we saw two dolphins swimming in the intercoastal off our balcony!! It was beautiful. Allison was here. We all ran to the balcony and Kyle and I each grabbed our camera. I need to get the ones off his camera, as he had the zoom lens on his. They were swimming side by side. Just like at SeaWorld!! :) Now, I can feel good about leaving.

Next blog….Allison’s visit. Lots of fun having a friend in town!

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