17 June 2009

1304 Crowley Rd.....Farewell, So Long.....

So, I've come to the realization that in order to keep up with a blog, you have to have time to blog. First issue right there. Time. The one thing I don't have right now. Actually, I have time. I just don't have the memory anymore to know where I am, what time zone I'm in, what bills need to be paid (thank you Kyle!) or what I need to do tomorrow. Or, what needs to get done before we move. Thankfully, Kyle and I have a good 'divide and conquer' thing going right now. And, I can tell that he is the light of Olivia's life right now. He was going out to a Rangers game with Mick tonight and Olivia kept coming back in the house to give him hugs and kisses as we went out to run errands. Pretty cute.

So. It's been awhile since I last posted. Where oh where do I start?? I will NOT start with the housing market in Miami that continues to be a mess. Suffice it to say that it has it's challenges, but we are getting close. More on that later.

As for 1304 Crowley Rd - Bye-bye. We sold it!! And, to a young couple about to have their first baby. I'm happy about that. I just hope they have as many wonderful memories in this house as we have had. Oh....the fun times!! I don't know who's going to miss this house more. Us or our friends. It's been quite the 'gathering' place for the last seven years....all the friends/family pitching in when we first bought it and decided to paint every room on our own. The 80's party. Dinner club. Pool parties. Jingle Bells and Cocktails. Dinner parties. Murder mystery. Baby showers. Wedding showers. Olivia's 1st, 2nd and 3rd Bday parties. Olivia's first house. Jackie's last house. Possibly Jake's last house. The house Keith rode his bike from every weekend. Football parties. Poker parties. Game nights. I think you get the picture. Many, many memories. Which makes it such a GREAT house!! Or, great friends and family. Probably the later which ultimately made the house a home.

I am very happy we sold the house. Especially in today's market mess. But, that doesn't mean I'm jumping for joy to pack and move. Excited for the new adventure and happy to get us all in one place again, but sad to leave what's here. For those that have moved, I'm sure that comes with the territory. The details. For all of you wondering.....we close on July 10th. The movers come July 8-10. The 'new' people close on July 15th. But, I can guarantee all of you reading this. The Lane's WILL be having a Fourth of July party!! How can we not?? The last one? The final chapter?? So, if you're reading this....come by on the 4th. Any time. We'll have a pool to swim in and burgers on the grill. The margarita machine going. Any details outside of that. Beyond me at this point. The more the merrier!

So. Work travels. There have been plenty. Almost too many to recap at this point. Quick update though. Islands I've been to at this point - Dominican Republic, St Kitts, St Thomas, Puerto Rico and the Grand Caymans. The next few weeks - Bermuda and St Lucia. For all of you out there that want to travel to the islands, ask me first before you go. They are all so different and magazines can make anything look good. I'll post a list soon of which ones are worthwhile. For now, some pictures. I have MANY of these to post and will do so over the next few days. But, here are a few.

St Kitts. They are known for their monkeys. Two days there. Not one monkey. Will have to find one on the internet to at least see what they should look like.

The beach in St Kitts. Pretty. But, rocky where we were. This is in the morning as I attempted to go for a jog. That's when I realized it was rocky! Turned into a nice walk.

The Grand Caymans. Taken at 6:30am when I went out for a run. The most beautiful beach ever. Perfect.

A 'river' at the hotel. Most beach resorts have amazing pools that are as much of the scenary as the beach, if not more. Not in the Caymans. The pools are very understated because the beach is so amazing.

A true sign of the simple life......


  1. Be aware when offering up the margarita machine for any parties....we kidknapped it back to Austin with us after you let us house sit in your home the weekend of June 2nd. If you'd like for us to bring it to the party then there will be a large delivery fee. Probably equal to a weekend's stay at the Lane house! ;)

    Congrats on the sale. Lets talk.

  2. Congratulations on selling your house. I know it must be very bittersweet, but you guys will have plenty of fun and new adventures in Miami! Your list of all the parties you have had is making me realize I am LAME and need to to some more hosting around here. You're inspiring me!

    Moving SUCKS. Just hang in there. There are good days ahead (like unpacking. I LOVE unpacking in a new place!)
