22 June 2009

Random pictures....

Not much to update right now....so, I thought I would just upload some pics from the past few weeks. Some fun travel, some work travel.
Actually have some good pics/videos to upload from this past weekend and will get to it as soon as possible. Olivia has started swimming. On.her.own!!!! Very impressed. I know this happens all the time for kids her age. But, we put her in swim lessons about a month ago and she had absolutely zero interest in doing anything on her own. For how much she loves the water and how gutsy she is for everything else, it surprised me that she was so timid in the water. But....not any more!! Now, we can't get her out of the water. And, we were able to get the progression on video from the past few days, so I'll post that soon.
Me, on the other hand, am stuck in NY. I know, sounds like fun, right? However, when you get in at 8pm and are by yourself, not so fun to go into the city at night. So, I'm stuck over by the airport without even a window view of the city. Almost cruel. On my way to Bermuda. My luck, American only has one flight out a day from JFK to Bermuda, so I don't leave now until 5pm tomorrow evening. And, instead of having a night home in between trips, am now going straight from Bermuda to Miam and home Friday night. Thank goodness for Skype!!!

I took this picture, because I thought it was pretty funny. It's in St Kitts. You literally walk off the plane, down the stairs from the plane and into these doors for customs. It wasn't until I looked back and saw this big plane taking up the whole view that it caught my attention. And, despite being 3rd in line for customs, had to wait 45 min!!! (Which is why I noticed the plane....not much else to do). Apparently, if you go on one of the 'fun' vacations, you get whisked away into a private room with drinks while they stamp you through...all 40 of you! While the rest of us 'non-party' people stand in line waiting....

Might be hard to read this, but I took it for our friend and old neighbor, Kyle White, who coaches track at Stanford. Again, in St Kitts. Apparently a big haven for track & field....Chili - maybe you need to start recruiting on this island....at least it's a good excuse!

Taken in Miami a few weeks ago. We were there for our 100th house hunting trip and happened to be there on a night with horrendous storms. Hurricane-damaging in some areas. However, when it all cleared, this amazing rainbow appeared! It was breathtaking! and perfect.

Doesn't this look like Kyle's super-imposed in the picture?? Downtown Miami. That's the American Airlines center (yes, Miami and Dallas have one!) in the background.
Cruise ships, cruise ships and more cruise ships.....I have these from every country so far! This happens to be in Miami. Note the picture above Kyle's. That was taken on Friday night. This one -Saturday morning. They all came in during the night.....kind of weird.

Me and my girlfriend, Allison. We got a quick weekend in NY. This was taken at a fabulous, gluten-free restaurant in SoHo called Rissotteria. Amazing pizza, meatballs, and other yummy stuff that is all gluten-free. (For those of you who may eat gluten-free, you know what a rare find this is!).

Will post more later....and give updates on the houses. We're still waiting on an appraisal in Miami and I won't talk about it until then.....once that gets settled, we'll figure out when and where our homelessness begins and ends.

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