02 February 2012


That is what's going on in my stomach right now.  The BIG trip is right around the corner....literally.  As I told Kyle the other night.  I know I'm excited.  Don't have to worry about that one.  Thank goodness.  Because, I'm worrying about everything else too much!  The 22 hours of flying. The 8 days gone, 3 nights on a place, 2 cities in S. Africa.  Etc, etc, etc.  It will be amazing.  I just want to get there.  Which is SO far away (literally and figuratively) I can't get my arms around it. 

And, the planning involved in being gone that long.  Yes, Kyle is by far one of the most capable and competent people out there for managing the house/kids in my absence.  In many cases, more organized and pulled together than me.  But, I'm still a Mom and I still worry that Olivia will miss a gymnastics class, show up at the bday party without a gift, not turn in her girls scout cookie money on time, or they won't have meals planned for the week.  Or, God forbid, they forget their mom.  So, I have goodie bags with notes for each morning, I have video's taped of me telling them good night (7 hour time difference.  I will most likely miss all of them) and the 36 hours I'll go without speaking to Olivia at the end of the trip because of my flight times, her being in school and the time difference. 

Just give me a valium and a glass of wine now.  I'll need a good 22 hour nap by the time I board my plane. 

Onto the rest of our life.  As, fortunately, it does not all revolve around this trip. 

We had a VERY big milestone this Christmas.  I told myself everyday I was going to write about it, but as you can see, blogging more regularly did not quite make my New Year's resolution list. 

Kyle celebrated his 10th Anniversary of being 'Cancer Free'!!!  Like most big milestones out there, he got a watch.  :)  It's amazing that it's been 10 years.  Time flies.  I wish all of our family and friends would've been around for a big fiesta.  So many crazy memories to rehash.  Despite the severity of it all, I think in some weird way, it's good memories for us both. 

As for the kiddos, they are doing well.  Growing like crazy and I wish time could stand still.  Luke is funnier than ever.  A complete ham.  He makes me laugh on a daily basis.  I need to video his 'looks'.  He uses his eyes to tell stories like I've never seen before.  And, he knows he's funny too!  Little rascal.  Olivia is becoming a kid more and more each day.  I can see the teenage years right around the corner and I'm scared to death.  Trying to protect her while I still can.  As I learned in a recent parenting class at church....I'm the 'authoritative' person for another year....then on to the 'arbiter'.  But, my travel girl.  She's ready to go anywhere with me and I'm dying to take her anywhere we can go. 

I will do my very best to update this during the trip.  I would love to take pics, but don't think the ones on my blackberry will do it justice.  I'll post what I can, but know that many more will be posted upon my return. 

Hugs and Kisses to everyone! 

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