18 August 2011


I spent last week at an offsite (here in Miami).  In one of the breakout sessions, we did a profile assessment to learn different communication styles, behavioral styles, etc.  I love this stuff.  It fascinates me to know that we are made up of this DNA 'stuff'...some of which can change, some of which is just how God made us.  And, that there are people smart enough to figure out what questions to ask to allow us to see all this on paper. 

Here are the quick buckets of where you could get placed:

D - Dominance; likes to get results, make changes and have impact.  They are direct, compelling, believe in their abilities and will take risks. 

I - Influence/Interpersonal; like to get results through people.  They are extroverted, like changing situations, and will accommodate other's wishes.  They would rather flee than fight and 'have a way with words.'

S - Steadiness/Stability - indirect and introverted, prefer a stable environment, following through on projects and accommodating others.  Make good team players, listen and have patience.

C - Conscientiousness/Cautious - indirect and lean toward order, precision, rules and policies.  Take great pride in their work, respond with facts rather than feelings.  Prefer logic and accuracy.  Ask 'why' a lot. 

Any guesses on where I netted out??......................

It was fun to go around the room and try to take guesses of people's personalities before knowing where we all fell on the test. 

Me = High 'C', closely followed by a pretty high 'D'.  I had a little bit of 'I' and almost zero 'S' in me.  I guess 'steady' would not be a word to describe me.  I guess listening and patience are two areas I could develop.  :) 

Based on where you ranked for each letter above, you added them up and on a chart, it uses just one word to describe your profile....'Creative' was my one word.  I can live with that.  I actually really like it.  It was better than 'perfectionist'.  My finance guy got that one.  If you're the finance guy, I think that's probably the one you'd want over creative.  Maybe the Enron finance guys were 'creative' and not 'perfectionists'.  Maybe they were just in the wrong role.  Hmm??  (kidding!)

Funny enough...one of the traits of high 'C's' is the use of sarcasm.  I think I have that one nailed. 

Value to an organization with this pattern - initiates or designs changes. 

Watchouts for my 'personality'...many, I'm sure is what you're thinking.  But, 'bluntness' is one of them.  Remind me to tell you about me the bathroom story when Kyle and I were house hunting.  It was not my greatest moment.  But, I sure could've used this feedback then.  (No, it's not a gross story....I just really stuck my foot in my mouth with someone else in the bathroom). 

Our instructor used an elevator analogy to best describe all the profiles.
D - would get on the elevator and push the button, without care if anyone else needed to get on.
I - would get on, hold the open button and wait until everyone was on board.
S - I can't remember....see, those listening skills need to be sharpened. 
C - this person would get on and then guess weights of everyone and add them up to make sure they weren't over the weight limit. 

This describes me to perfection!  I count everything.  All the time.  I think it's the one OCD habit I have. 

What do you think you would be on this test???  Have you taken it? 

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