25 August 2011

the Month of Milestones.....

Big week for us at the Lane house.  I only have a few minutes to write a quick post.  But, in a nutshell, here's what we've 'experienced' in the last 6 days....in order:

- We started preparing for our first hurricane (which thankfully is hitting elsewhere)
- Luke started walking.  Most of you have seen the video.  If you haven't, you are mostly missing out on hearing Kyle and I scream like the over-excited parents we were on Sat. 
- Olivia started her 1st day of Kindergarten
- Olivia learned to ride her bike, with confidence....(important to note)
- Luke turns 1 tomorrow!!

I think I'm in denial about Luke turning one.  It has been such a great year.  And, I know he's my last, so I'm all nostalgic about him turning a year and wish there was someway I could slow down time.  Like all parents.  Same with Olivia.  She's turning into such a girl.  Not sure if I'm ready for this or not. 

Anyways....I'll write more on this a bit later.  Off to escape the commute before the hurricane-that-is-not-hitting-us-hits-us.  :) 

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