08 April 2011

Welcome Weekend!!!

Not really sure what I'm going to blog about today, but I just feel like I can't leave the last blog up too much longer.  Don't want people getting sad every time they hit on 'Hammocks and Hurricanes!'  However, I did see a segment on the Today show about this couple.  They are pretty amazing people with an incredible attitude that I can learn a lot from. 

Now on to the weekend.....What plans do you have for the weekend?? 

I returned from a trip this week and don't have to pack again until April 25!!!  I am SO excited.  I've been on back to back trips for what seems like forever.  And, I'm exhausted!!  I just want to sleep.  But since Kyle's out of town for work through Sat, and I have two children at home, that is not an option.  So, I might just have to fill myself with an IV of coffee.  Wish me luck.  Olivia is also dying to sleep with me tonight.  She's been asking for a long time.  Which means that I will grant her this wish.  Against my better judgement!  :)  She's a maniac when she sleeps.  I'm sure all kids are this way, but she's all over the frickin' place.  How does one end up upside down or sideways in bed?  I just don't get it.  Because of this, on top of my already pooped-out-self, I will get no sleep.  And, I'll be paranoid about her sleeping next to me with the monitor and being woken up by Luke, so I'll be sleeping practically with one eye open all night.  Don't come around me tomorrow.  Ha!!  Fortunately for all of you that read this blog...you can't!  I wish you could, but you're probably better off right now. 

I also have to mention something I did this week.  Keep in mind, we pretty much live in Latin America.  Most people in Miami joke that this is 'the safest city in Latin America'.  That being said, it's not really all that safe.  It is.....if you're comparing it to Latin America.  I sat on a plane next to a man one time that told me not to let my guard down in Miami.  Even if I feel comfortable, to always be alert. 

For the most part, I do feel very safe and in any large, urban setting, you have to be smart about what you do and where you go.  I also think the advice this man gave is good.  Which is why we did a lot of research about where we wanted to live. 

I don't know if it's bad luck, circumstances or the truth.  But, there seem to be a few more residential break-ins as of late.  I know of 3 people in the last 6 weeks that have been broken into.  The break-ins seem to happen during the evening hours and through the french doors that we all have leading to the patio.  Very standard Miami.  Long story short, I became uber-cautious and had Kyle install these major locks on the top part of all our backdoors before he left on his first business trip.  I also 'justified' it that we will need them in place when Luke starts walking. 

But, I wasn't quite satisfied with just that.  I got to thinking about how much money we all pay to live where we are and how great of a community it is around here.  Our city 'incorporated' just four years ago to become it's own city.  For many reasons.  Why in a 4x4 mile radius can we let this happen.  So, I took action!!  I spent some time looking around our city's website and found the 'police' section.  Sure enough, they post the weekly crime reports and 2-3 homes are being broken in to a week.  I have NO idea how this compares to other cities our size, but I'm not ok with that number.  And, we have no neighborhood crime watch program and we're poorly lit as a city in the residential areas.  Again, not acceptable. 

There was an 'officer' contact person if interested in crime and programming.  I emailed him.  His last name is Judge.  Officer Judge.  Isn't that funny??  In a very professional manner I explained to him my concerns and issues I have with this recent trend.  I also mentioned that if the parental enthusiasm at Olivia's preschool is any indication of community involvement, they should have no problem getting something off the ground to make this place a great place to live.  And safe.  Most importantly. 

Funny enough...I heard back from him via email within 24 hours.  And, he copied 3 other officers in the city.  Even funnier....he called me at my office today and set up a meeting for next week.  He wants to sit down and meet with me.  I guess I'm going to be implementing a neighborhood crime watch program.  Maybe I'll have to reach out to Keith to get advice! 

Wish me luck!!  Pistol-packin'-Kristin is my new name! 

Happy Weekend everyone!

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