28 March 2011

Warning.....Not a Pleasant Blog.

I recently found out about this story.  For those reading this blog on a blackberry or iPhone, you might not be able to view the link.  Essentially, it's one of the saddest, most heart-wrenching stories I've ever heard.  Probably that you've ever heard as well.  It's one of those that you have to ask how this is even possible.  This kind of thing just doesn't happen.  

There's a newsletter here in Miami called Just Ask Boo that I receive.  'Boo' is a friend of a friend and apparently knows everyone and everything in Miami.  So, naturally, she started a newsletter as she was tired of people saying 'Well, just as Boo, she'll know'.  It's a novel idea.  You can go to this newsletter to find nannies, housekeepers, electricians, sell stuff, put notices about garage sales, you name it.  

Well, last week I read the most disturbing notice.  A woman in Miami was asking for prayer requests for a friend of hers.  This week, she posted again with the link to a website.  To raise money.  

I can't get this story out of my head.  For many reasons.  One, it involves the dreaded 'C' word.  Two, the family has a little baby girl.  And last, this is just too much for anyone to bear and it can put anything in perspective for you.  And I mean. Anything.  The girl who posted the story went to college with the woman.  Essentially, she just got diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer.  It's already metastasized pretty good throughout her body.  The positive is that she was diagnosed with a certain kind that has a 75% rate of responding to treatment.  The bad news....her husband was diagnosed 9 days PRIOR to her diagnosis with Stage 3 colon cancer.  They have a 17 month old daughter named Sadie.  

I don't know where you even begin here.  As someone who has been on the sidelines with a spouse who survived cancer, I don't know how you both go through it at the same time.  And, deal with having your first child.  You can feel the personal struggle in these blogs of the woman.  She started the blog, very similar to us.  To keep the world updated on the progress of their family.  Only now, she and her husband are posting to keep everyone update on the status of each other.  

A few months back, the wife, Elisa, wrote a very powerful blog with lots of swearing.  She was trying to come to grips (how can you, really?) with what is in front of her. 

At one point she writes, 'This can't be Sadie's story'.   That's all it takes.  6 words and you immediately know the battle they face.  I don't even know these people, but this surely cannot be their story. 

I know the power of prayer can be mighty.  Please pray for them.  Please donate to them.  Neither one can work and they don't know what lies ahead for their daughter.  A miracle just has to be in the cards here. 

25 March 2011

The Sccoter and the Budding Performer......

**  Quick update on video below.  I can't figure out why the volume is not working.  Will try and figure it out as that is the best part about it!  ***

Hello!!! It's been quiet. We've been on vacation. But, according to some friends back in TX....I'm too quiet in general these days. I know, I keep saying I'm going to get better at posting. But, I just haven't gotten there yet. Some day I just might surprise you! I'm holding out on that hope anyways.

So, a quick kids update for now.

Luke started 'scooting' this morning!!!! He turns 7 months this Saturday. It was very cute. That little guy can scoot himself off a rug, blanket, crib...you name it. I was getting ready for work this morning and Kyle called for me to run quick to the family room. That's where the action was taking place!! And from there, he was all over it. Get ready world - another crazy boy will soon be on the loose!!! I'll try to get it on video this weekend.

As for the little girl in our house. Well. She is either the next Mary Lou Retton or some stage performer. The kid cannot quit climbing on things. It's not an exaggeration at all. I came home from work yesterday and she opened the back seat passenger door to get leverage to climb onto the roof of my car!! Who does that?? It all happened before I even knew what was happening. It's like Olivia has this pent up energy in her muscles/body that is just dying to come out. She was getting out of our Tahoe the other day and used the 'Oh Shit handle' (that's the only thing I've ever called it...don't even know the proper name) as a monkey bar. Next thing I knew she was trying to swing from it. I swear I need to find a good gymnastics program for her.

Anyways....aside from the moneky in her, she's also just suddenly became interested in 'performing' lately. In TX last week, she was playing in my mother-in-laws backyard. Kyle noticed her and called for me to come look. She was 'performing' in the backyard. To whom, we don't know. But, it was hilarious!! Kyle got it on camera. Priceless. I'll update it this weekend and put it up. She takes it VERY seriously. She was singing about Paris and the Eiffel Tower and going there someday. Between all her talk about going to Paris and NY someday, I can't decide if I'm overjoyed or scared to death!!

This below was Olivia's off-the-cuff, impromtu recital for St Patricks Day. This was at Gogi's house. No idea where this came from. But it was hilarious!!! She's got the moves and all and she dropped out of dance after 2 classes because she was so bored. Guess I need to revisit that one.

03 March 2011


Thank goodness the days of people sending chain emails or continuous replies of jokes are almost over.  At least now there is a really good amount of 'weeding' going on and the occassional ones you get are pretty funny. 

Case in point is below.  I received this from someone I work with on our finance team.  He lives in IL and thought I would find humor in this email.  Pardon the expletives.  Apparently they are for effect. 

I can totally see this being Kyle and me if we are ever asked to move anywhere in the midwest/north. 

August 15

- Moved from FL to a new home in Illinois. It's so beautiful here.

The lake to the north looks so majestic. I can hardly wait to see it snow covered.

I'm going to love it here.

October 14

Illinois is definitely the most beautiful place on earth.

The leaves have turned all the colors and shades of red and orange.

Went for a ride through the park and saw some deer. They are so

graceful. Certainly they are the most wonderful animals on earth.

This must be paradise, I LOVE IT HERE.

November 10

Deer season will start soon. I can't imagine anyone wanting to kill such a gorgeous animal,

hope it will snow soon. I love it here. Those red and orange leaves have covered my yard. Looks

like a magnificent multi-colored carpet. HOW BEAUTIFUL. Raking and cleaning up the yard will

be an opportunity for invigorating exercise in the cool crisp air.

November 15 -

Ah, more leaves and more exercise.

November 18 -

Jesus, still more leaves. Guess it's best to wait until they've all fallen before I rake again.

November 25 -

Finally, all of the trees lost their leaves and today's final raking it's over for this season.

Chiropractor suggested I use a lawn maintenance service next year.

Only four blisters became infected. Should probably remember to use gloves.

November 30 -

What the f--k? Where did all of those leaves come from?

A little wind last night and the lawn is covered again.

Oh well, they'll just have to wait until spring.

December 12 -

It snowed last night, FINALLY. Woke up to find everything blanketed in white. It looks like a postcard. We went outside and cleaned the snow off the steps and shoveled the driveway. Had a snowball fight (I won) and when the snowplow came by and we had to shovel the end of the driveway again. What a beautiful place. I Love Illinois

December 14 -

More snow last night, I love it. The snowplow did his trick to the driveway again.

I Love it here.

December 19 -

More snow again last night. Can't get out of the driveway to get to work.

I'm exhausted from shoveling. F---ing snowplow.

December 22 -

More of that white sh-t fell again last night. As if dealing with the leaves weren't bad enough, now I've got blisters all over my hands from shoveling, must remember to wear gloves. I think the snowplow hides around the corner and waits until I'm finished shoveling the driveway. The a--hole.

December 25 -

Merry Christmas.

More frigging snow. If I ever get my hands on that son-of-a-bitch who drives the snowplow.

I swear I'll kill the bastard. Don't know why they don't use more salt on the roads to melt the f---ing ice.

December 27 -

More white sh-t last night. Have been inside for three days except for shoveling out the driveway after that plow goes through every time. F---ing gloves got wet and then froze on my hands. Doctor said it was just a mild case of frostbite, disfiguration is probably only temporary. Can't go anywhere, car is stuck in a mountain of white sh-t. The weatherman says to expect another 10 inches of the sh-t tonight. Do you know how many shovels full of snow 10 inches is?

December 28 -

The f---ing weatherman was wrong. We got 34 inches of that white sh-t. At this rate it won't melt 'till summer. The plow got stuck up the road and the bastard came to the door and asked to borrow a shovel. After I told him I'd already broken six of them shoveling all the sh-t he pushed into the driveway, I broke my last one on his f---ing head.

January 4 -

Finally got out of the house today. Went to the store to get food and on the way back I hit a damned deer that ran in front of my car. Did about $3000 damage. F---ing beast should be killed. Wish the hunters had killed them all last November.

May 3 -

Took the car to the garage in town. The thing is rusting out from all the f---ing salt they put all over the roads.

May 10 -

Moved to The Villages in Florida .

I can't imagine why anyone in their right mind would ever live in that God-forsaken state of Illinois

01 March 2011

Double Dose.....

Damn it.  How does time get by so fast??  I had the best of intentions to come back and write the next blog and the next...daily.  So it would be 'chapters' like I stated.  Obviously that did not work out so well for me.  Maybe I really meant months....or maybe it's that memory loss thing working against me again. 

Actually that can't be it, because I still remember what I was going to write about.  I just didn't get to it.  The next two subjects.


Doesn't seem very exciting though, does it?  Weather never really does.  Unless of course, it's catastrophic.  Funny enough, at the time I was thinking about this blog (a MONTH ago) it was darn-near catastrophic in TX!!  Which was why I was going to talk about it.  Remember...only talk about weather when it's interesting enough.  Otherwise, it's just the lowest common denominator in your conversation!!  :) 

Last year, and our first fall/winter in Miami, I was really missing the 'seasons'.  We went home for Christmas and it snowed (compared to this year it was a 'dusting')!  We wore scarfs and boots and coats.  It was kind of fun! 

But, this year.  I learned to embrace the 'Florida sunshine'!!!  For one, I don't really have to change out my closet for the season.  I've never worn a coat in Florida.  Or gloves.  I've worn boots, but that was only for looks.  They weren't necessary at all to keep me warm.  At the end of January, I was driving the kids to church one Sunday morning.  It was right when all the craziness was hitting the rest of the country.  There was even a day or two when Florida was the only state without snow.  It was 70, sunny and incredible here!  On my way to church, I was bombarded with the masses out cycling, running, walking dogs, rollerblading, etc.  People were living!!!  They were active!! 

It was at that moment that I decided to embrace the weather here.  Yes, it's a tad predictable.  But, I would much rather it be predictable with sunny and warm than gloomy and rainy like Seattle!  Julie and Gabe came to visit and we were at the beach playing, somewhat, in the ocean just days before 'the Blizzard of 2011' hit Dallas!  Just days. 

I really do need to get on top of this blog.  Here are subjects I'm itching to get at:
- the language part.  Still want to talk about that one.
- The Castro's visit.
- Allison's visit.
- Luke just turned 6 months!
- We're coming to TX for Spring Break.
- Kyle just started a new job and left today for his first business trip!
- Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen......ha!!!  fooled you on that one, huh?
- Parenting and blogs

I'll be back tomorrow.....!  Adios.  Leave a note!!  Would love to hear from you.