25 March 2011

The Sccoter and the Budding Performer......

**  Quick update on video below.  I can't figure out why the volume is not working.  Will try and figure it out as that is the best part about it!  ***

Hello!!! It's been quiet. We've been on vacation. But, according to some friends back in TX....I'm too quiet in general these days. I know, I keep saying I'm going to get better at posting. But, I just haven't gotten there yet. Some day I just might surprise you! I'm holding out on that hope anyways.

So, a quick kids update for now.

Luke started 'scooting' this morning!!!! He turns 7 months this Saturday. It was very cute. That little guy can scoot himself off a rug, blanket, crib...you name it. I was getting ready for work this morning and Kyle called for me to run quick to the family room. That's where the action was taking place!! And from there, he was all over it. Get ready world - another crazy boy will soon be on the loose!!! I'll try to get it on video this weekend.

As for the little girl in our house. Well. She is either the next Mary Lou Retton or some stage performer. The kid cannot quit climbing on things. It's not an exaggeration at all. I came home from work yesterday and she opened the back seat passenger door to get leverage to climb onto the roof of my car!! Who does that?? It all happened before I even knew what was happening. It's like Olivia has this pent up energy in her muscles/body that is just dying to come out. She was getting out of our Tahoe the other day and used the 'Oh Shit handle' (that's the only thing I've ever called it...don't even know the proper name) as a monkey bar. Next thing I knew she was trying to swing from it. I swear I need to find a good gymnastics program for her.

Anyways....aside from the moneky in her, she's also just suddenly became interested in 'performing' lately. In TX last week, she was playing in my mother-in-laws backyard. Kyle noticed her and called for me to come look. She was 'performing' in the backyard. To whom, we don't know. But, it was hilarious!! Kyle got it on camera. Priceless. I'll update it this weekend and put it up. She takes it VERY seriously. She was singing about Paris and the Eiffel Tower and going there someday. Between all her talk about going to Paris and NY someday, I can't decide if I'm overjoyed or scared to death!!

This below was Olivia's off-the-cuff, impromtu recital for St Patricks Day. This was at Gogi's house. No idea where this came from. But it was hilarious!!! She's got the moves and all and she dropped out of dance after 2 classes because she was so bored. Guess I need to revisit that one.

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