18 November 2010

Little Luke.....

Our little Luke is almost 3 months old....many of you will finally get the chance to meet the little guy this week and I'm so excited!!  In such a short amount of time, he's such a big part of our family and it feels so strange that those closest to us have yet to meet him!!  For those that have met him, his changes are amazing (as all babies!). 

Here are a few things about Luke:

- He is a HAPPY kid.  He sizes up the world around him and likes what he sees.  Or hears. 

- Luke doesn't cry.  Sure, he squeaks out a cry or two, but there is no pacing around from 5pm-7pm trying to get him calm for the evening.  When he wakes up in the middle of the night or in the morning, he wakes up cooing and smiling.  It's crazy.  At 4am, that's a very nice noise...despite the sleep deprivation! 

- His favorite thing in the whole wide world......the ceiling fan!!  It doesn't matter what room you're in.  If there's a ceiling fan, Luke is smiling at it and having conversations only he understands.  It's hilarious!!  It can be a white one, a brown one, fast moving, slow....doesn't matter.  He loves them! 

- He poops sideways.  More information than you want to know....!  Sorry.  But, it's funny.  First, he's all boy - he lets us know when he has gas or is going to the bathroom.  But, when he has gone, it's often only along the left side of his diaper.  Maybe Erika can explain this one!! 

- He's doubled his weight (almost) in 3 months. Luke is now 15lbs!  I think he stayed in 0-3 month clothes for about 5 weeks! 

- Luke loves his sister!  If he hears Olivia, he will turn his head every which way possible to find her.  And, the feeling is mutual.  Olivia takes her new role seriously and knows too much about bottles, breastfeeding, etc.  She wants to pick out his PJ's and his clothes on a daily basis.  They often take a bath together and he will hang out with her as long as she'll let him.  They are buddies in the backseat, although there are times when Olivia would prefer to relinquish her 'big sister' duties and just play! 

- He loves to snuggle.  In any way, shape or form.  He loves to be swaddled.  He loves his Baby Bjorn.  His favorite position is upright with his head on your shoulder, nuzzled into your neck.  It's a beautiful thing. 

See you all soon!!! 

Luke with his two favorite things...Olivia and his ceiling fan! 

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