25 October 2010

My Little Girl Turned Five....

Olivia turned 5 last Friday!  We had quite the celebration.  My parent's were in town and it was a full blown party for about 4 days!!  The morning of her birthday felt like Christmas!  Pictures are coming....

In the meantime, here are a few things that mark the last year for Olivia:

- She survived her first year in a brand new school and has made many new friends.

- Olivia learned to spell and write her name.  Very well.  She is a writing fool.  All she want to do is write.  We keep a 'journal' in the car so she can practice spelling and writing.  We have 'words' all over the house and I often catch her with paper and pen practicing what's on the cards. 

- She can draw.  I think she's a budding little artist.  Just like all kids.  But, this kid loves arts & crafts.  She's learned to draw her own versions of lady bugs, the sun, rainbows, people that now have arms and legs and hands and many other body parts.  She loves to add a mouse and a dog to almost all her pictures.  And butterflies.  Olivia was so excited when she learned how to draw butterflies. 

- Olivia started her first organized sport...soccer.  She loves the social aspect of it so far.  the 'competitive' part.  Well, we've got time.  She's fast though.  She definitely keeps up with the boys...just not the ball. 

- We discovered her first cavity.  And, she got to experience laughing gas for the first time.  And, a numb lip from getting the cavity filled. 

- Olivia watched the Wizard of Oz and the original Annie this past year.  We bonded watching both of them.  And, she's now going to be 'Dorothy' for Halloween. 

- Olivia became a fish.  And, I'm not kidding.  This kid can swim.  At the beginning of the summer, she was still pretty gun-shy about the pool.  She liked the idea of the pool, just never got anywhere with it.  Now, this girl is doing freestyle, the backstroke, flips, jumps off the diving board.  You name it, she'll try it...and excel at it in the water. 

- She became a Big Sister.  I love watching her with Luke.  It's precious.  She takes the role quite serious.  Some of the time.  But, it's also turned her into quite the little mom.  Her 'pretend play' with her babies is very entertaining to watch.  She has picked up on all the happenings of carrying for a new baby and acts it out with perfection!! 

Happy Birthday my sweet girl.....I love you!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday OG we are so proud if you and your parents rock!
    Uncle Kenneth and aunt Lili
