16 August 2010

Feels a Little Bit Like Home....

We have officially had the summer of visitors!!  It has been fantastic.  Our last 'non-baby' visitor left a week ago Sunday.  (Until I recently learned of a great surprise...that Allison is visiting next week on a rescheduled business trip).  Kyle and I were reflecting on how much fun we've had and how many people we've been able to see in a short amount of time.  And, I told him it feels 'a little bit like home'.  Different location, but great times with very dear-to-us friends and family.  It almost felt like we were on vacation every time someone came to visit.  And, it was a lot of fun to show people around Miami.  It gets a bad wrap.  We needed to show everyone that it's quite lovely.  Erika kept asking us why it was nicknamed the 'armpit' of America.  Although the not-so-pleasant places exist, we couldn't really find anywhere that justifies the nickname. 

I was so busy having fun with everyone that I took very few pictures.  Not that it would matter.  I'm so far behind, I still don't even know where to begin.  But, someday, I will find a way to share all the pictures I did take over the summer.  They are worth sharing.  Great memories.  We also made it to the beach more times over 3 months than people living in our neighborhood have gone in their lifetime.  We only live a mile from the ocean, but there's not great access down here.  So, you have to drive about 20 minutes.  We love it.  But, I honestly never thought I would spend this much time, this pregnant, in a bathing suit.  I'm now done. 

Update regarding my last post.  I have to laugh.  I got a few emails, texts and phone calls of concern after my last post.  All because I sounded tired.  Here's where I laugh......Aren't I allowed to be 'tired' at 37 weeks?  Isn't that to be expected?  Tell me one person raring to go at this stage in the game??  Considering the circumstances, I feel pretty good.  Working full-time (understatement of the year!), keeping up with an almost 5-yr old, taking the dog on walks/daughter on bike rides, entertaining guests, and getting ready for the baby.  I don't think I'm that bad off. 

So, yes.  I'm a bit tired.  But, it comes in waves.  As with all pregnant people.  One minute you feel great.....the next minute you just want to lay in bed and pull the covers over your head!!  

By the way....I not only 'answered' the door this weekend.....I greeted the great 'nester' with open arms and a huge hug.  It was officially, I think, our first weekend without any real agenda.  Other than a playdate and a birthday party, we were free of obligations.  Translation - I got A LOT done!!  I now feel like I'm in the ballpark of preparedness should the little one decide to come one day soon.  And, I even completed Olivia's back-to-school shopping, so I feel like she's set too!! 

Now, if only I could go on vacation for the next two weeks.....

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