20 August 2010

Technology Turmoil

Do you remember the days when the house phone was all you used?  You might have had a few in each room, even the cordless phone that you were constantly trying to find?  Do you remember when people actually called your house and that was the point in time in which you 'caught up' with people. 

Let's switch to the year 2010.  We have one house phone.  The ringer is turned off.  No one knows us in Miami, so the only people calling would be salespeople.  My cell phone has a (214) area code, which happens to be Dallas.  But, I've had it for over 10 years and I'm not going to change it.  Kyle has his cell phone.  I have two - one for work and one personal.  We rarely answer each other's phones.  Olivia knows about all three phones and can distinctly tell the difference between all of them.  Including their purpose, their ring tones and the games (apps) on each one. 

I don't really 'remember' being taught to use a phone.  But, this last year, Olivia was taught about '911' in school.  She knows that is the number you dial when someone or something is in trouble.  Great, right?  Easy enough concept. 

But, we don't use our phone.  Our iPhones are touch screens.  They do not have 'key pads' that you can touch and feel.  My blackberry is like Fort Knocks and I don't have a choice to change it.  The company makes me change the password every few months.  I can't even remember what my password is from time to time.  But, it has a keypad.  Kind of.  The number buttons are mixed with letter buttons. 

So, I woke up one day panicking that I needed to teach Olivia how to use the phone.  What if something happens and she needs to call out?  What if she decides one day in the near future that she wants to talk to someone?  She'll talk on the phone now, but she doesn't answer our cell phones.  It's not like a house phone ringing.  We don't all run at once.  We see who's phone is ringing and ignore it if it's not the 'our' phone. 

Here are a few challenges Kyle and I encountered with technology in the year 2010.  Any and all suggestions/recommendations/helpful hints are appreciated at this point:

- Olivia knows how to maneuver an iPhone.  Thankfully.  And, kids catch on quick, so she got it down in no time how to find the key pad. 
- The first time she practiced, she asked to dial 'Mimi'.  Not a problem.  I've known that number since I was 10. 
- The second number she asked to dial was my sister.  Again, not a problem. 
- The third number she asked to dial was her friend, 'Katie's'.  Hmmm.  Now it gets tricky.  'Katie's' mom is Jannea.  I've known Jannea as long as I've had a cell phone.  Therefore, the only way I call Jannea is FROM my cell phone.  I simply go into the directory, find Jannea's name, and hit 'send' for her number.  Olivia can't spell.  And even for the few words she does recognize, CAT and DOG are not going to get her far on the phone.
- Roadblock.  See above.  So, now I have to memorize everyone's phone numbers??
- Enter Kyle.  I fill him in on what's going on.  He says "Easy.  Just teach her how to go in my phone and if she wants to call you, she can look under Favorites and hit Mom".  Imagine the lightbulb going off at this point.  To Kyle, I'm not his 'Mom'.  His 'MOM' is his 'Mom'. 
- I need a drink at this point. 
- Can you see where this is going?  Has anyone else experienced this issue? 

We finally came up with a temporary solution.  We selected a few names to put in each of our 'Favorites' folder.  Olivia knows that she can go there and dial anyone there and talk to them.  So, if you get a random call from a 4rd old one day.  Beware.  You're in the Favorites folder. 

But, it still doesn't solve the problem of teaching her how to dial people she wants to talk to.  Outside of the 8 numbers I actually have memorized. 

Few updates:

- We signed Olivia up today for soccer.  Wish us luck on her first 'team sport'.  It's co-ed.  We'll see how it goes.  It starts Sept 24th.  Our days of freedom are over.  We will now have practice two days a week and a game every Friday or Saturday.  I'm secretly excited though to see how it goes.
- The newest Lane member is getting ready.  I'm 1cm dilated and working my way towards labor.  I only have two weeks left, technically.  The Dr seems to think I'll come slightly early.  It's like a weatherman's forecast.  With only two weeks left, how can he really be wrong? 
- We're taking Olivia to 'Sibling' class tomorrow at the hospital.  They teach her the reality of being a big sister.  We'll see if she's impressed. 

Have a great weekend!!!

16 August 2010

Feels a Little Bit Like Home....

We have officially had the summer of visitors!!  It has been fantastic.  Our last 'non-baby' visitor left a week ago Sunday.  (Until I recently learned of a great surprise...that Allison is visiting next week on a rescheduled business trip).  Kyle and I were reflecting on how much fun we've had and how many people we've been able to see in a short amount of time.  And, I told him it feels 'a little bit like home'.  Different location, but great times with very dear-to-us friends and family.  It almost felt like we were on vacation every time someone came to visit.  And, it was a lot of fun to show people around Miami.  It gets a bad wrap.  We needed to show everyone that it's quite lovely.  Erika kept asking us why it was nicknamed the 'armpit' of America.  Although the not-so-pleasant places exist, we couldn't really find anywhere that justifies the nickname. 

I was so busy having fun with everyone that I took very few pictures.  Not that it would matter.  I'm so far behind, I still don't even know where to begin.  But, someday, I will find a way to share all the pictures I did take over the summer.  They are worth sharing.  Great memories.  We also made it to the beach more times over 3 months than people living in our neighborhood have gone in their lifetime.  We only live a mile from the ocean, but there's not great access down here.  So, you have to drive about 20 minutes.  We love it.  But, I honestly never thought I would spend this much time, this pregnant, in a bathing suit.  I'm now done. 

Update regarding my last post.  I have to laugh.  I got a few emails, texts and phone calls of concern after my last post.  All because I sounded tired.  Here's where I laugh......Aren't I allowed to be 'tired' at 37 weeks?  Isn't that to be expected?  Tell me one person raring to go at this stage in the game??  Considering the circumstances, I feel pretty good.  Working full-time (understatement of the year!), keeping up with an almost 5-yr old, taking the dog on walks/daughter on bike rides, entertaining guests, and getting ready for the baby.  I don't think I'm that bad off. 

So, yes.  I'm a bit tired.  But, it comes in waves.  As with all pregnant people.  One minute you feel great.....the next minute you just want to lay in bed and pull the covers over your head!!  

By the way....I not only 'answered' the door this weekend.....I greeted the great 'nester' with open arms and a huge hug.  It was officially, I think, our first weekend without any real agenda.  Other than a playdate and a birthday party, we were free of obligations.  Translation - I got A LOT done!!  I now feel like I'm in the ballpark of preparedness should the little one decide to come one day soon.  And, I even completed Olivia's back-to-school shopping, so I feel like she's set too!! 

Now, if only I could go on vacation for the next two weeks.....

11 August 2010

You Know You're About to Have a Baby When.....

 - You pull up your blog thinking you've been on top of updates and you realize not only that it's been almost a month since the last update....but that it was about the dog.  Who is totally fine now and you would never know we had to spend a ridiculous amount of money to bring back to life.  (We also signed up for pet insurance, finally, and the underwriter is 'investigating' his case.  I'm sure we'll be denied!) 

- You realize you will be 37 weeks pregnant on Saturday and that is now considered 'Full Term'.  Translation.....you can go into labor at any point and there is little to be concerned about. 

- You realize you will be 37 weeks on Saturday and you need about 6 more weeks to prepare for maternity leave and the arrival of a new little one.  Can someone please give me either a few extra weeks or a little more energy at night to get the things done that continue to hang over my head??

- You celebrate because you will NEVER have to buy another maternity outfit again!!  Ever!!  I had to purchase two outfits to get me through a big meeting last week.  One where it I had to present to a room full of people for much longer than a very pregnant woman should suffer through.  But, at least my belly was covered.  Can't say that about all my clothes these days.

- You realize that a name for the baby is really important and you haven't really settled in on any.  At least if it's a girl.  We are very far behind here. 

- Strangers are now comfortable blurting out in public 'Wow!  You are about to Pop!'  That phrase always makes you feel good.  Ha!! 

- You puff up after eating a bowl of strawberries because it has .2g of sodium hidden somewhere in there. 

- Panic sets in because it's been 5 years since we had a newborn.  But, just because it's #2, I have yet to read a single line of any book on what I'm supposed to do.  Is it really like riding a bike??  I got hit by a truck after riding my bike for 30 years.  Will I feel like I got hit by a truck in a few weeks??  

- You can only wear flip flops.  And even those are not comfortable any more. 

- Reality sets in at the oddest times that our little family of 3 will never be the same.  This is both joyous and scary.  Equally. 

I think I could go on an on.  The 'nesting' stage is knocking on my door.  I think it might actually enter my home sometime soon.  Except I have way too much going on.  Work could not be crazier.  So, I haven't opened the 'nester' yet who's standing on my doorstep.  I'm avoiding it.  Until I realized I have less than a month to go. 

The last time I had a baby I had this wonderful thing called 'family' close by.  I don't even think I was that prepared then.  I just think they picked up my slack for me.  I remember my sister coming to the hospital saying I had the crib sheet order wrong and that she set it all up right.  Why is she now 1500 miles away?  I still don't remember the order.  I think my mom and my sister did one last load with 'Dreft' of all the baby things when I was in the hospital.  So, now I'm waiting to wash everything until the last moment.  We have tile floors now and the dust collection is incredible!!  I don't want to wash something and later realize it only needs to be washed again at the last minute.  But....how do I know when I'm going into labor?  When is 'the last minute'?? 

I keep thinking I want this baby to come early.  At least we could get 'the show on the road', you know?  But, Olivia had 40 weeks and 2 days to bake.  She came out ready for the world.  I kind of want this little one to have that same opportunity.  I think it needs to bake a little bit longer.  However, I also need some room in my stomach.  I'm dying to go for a run at the park.  I'm ready for Olivia to know if she has a brother or a sister. 

Only time will tell....I guess I'll go answer the door in the meantime.  After all....there are some things that need to get done.