19 July 2010

This Doesn't Happen To Anyone Else......

Here's how our week and weekend went down...

- Mom in town, me at work dinner.  Come home Tues night after dinner to find Mom and Kyle in panic that Eddie has just started getting really sick. 
- Kyle and I then spend all night being prepped for a newborn by tending to Eddie who proceeded to get sick about every hour.
- Kyle spends the next 3 days in and out of the vet with Eddie trying to figure out why he won't get better (first diagnosis - bacterial infection). 
- Friday afternoon, get call from vet that they want us to bring Eddie in for overnight observation. 
- Saturday - get call from vet that we need to come pick Eddie up and take him to a specialist.
- Still Saturday....Kyle, Olivia and I go pick Eddie up.  He's so lethargic Kyle has to carry him to and from the car each time.  Olivia is a trooper trying to perk him up the whole time!  We get to the 'specialist' which thankfully is not too far away, but of course, we are immediately talking about 'after hours care' as it's Saturday. 

Long story short, they did some x-rays and believe that he has a toy or something lodged in his stomach and need to remove it.  We see the x-rays and sure enough you can see something in there.  The vet Dr is really nice and turns out he lives a few blocks from us.  We agree to go ahead with the surgery.  Eddie is so dehydrated they have to wait a few hours to even get him to a place where they can open him up. 

We get a call later that night that he made it through surgery.  However, what looked like a 'sock' was actually an ulcer filled stomach.  So, back to square one.  The test would be whether or not he made it through the night. 

Sunday - get a call at 8am that he made it, but was in bad shape and we needed to come up and see him on the hopes it cheered him up.  Olivia again was a trooper.  The poor thing has dealt with more animal death ( 3 dogs and 3 fish) than any 4yr old should deal with.  She was not thrilled with the massive amount of IV's and wires going into the little guy.  Lots and lots of questions followed! 

Eddie was not in really good shape.  He wouldn't really move and had trouble keeping his eyes open.  But, he'd also just had MAJOR surgery for a 7 month old puppy!  He maintained his position through the day, although the Dr's were hoping for improvement.  We went back that evening and tried to cheer him up again. 

Monday - the 'normal' internal specialist was coming back on duty Monday morning, so I met him up there on my way to work.  Very nice man who seemed optimistic.  Eddie had 'turned a small corner' in that he was now standing up and walking around a little bit. 

I know I said I was trying to make a long story short....I'm not doing a very good job so far!  End result, they still don't really know what's wrong with him and we might not ever figure it out.  It's either the results of an infection, viral or bacteria, or he's the rare dog that didn't 'take' to the Parvo vaccine and he somehow got the virus.  They believe he's on the upswing, but will require another 2-3 days at the hospital.  He still has some residual issues ( I will spare you the details) that need to stop before they feel completely comfortable with the situation. 

The good news - he seemed much more like 'Eddie' today than over the past week.  He perked up when he saw me and even wagged his tail!!  The bad news - the cost of this thing is beyond ridiculous!  For anyone that has a pet......go.get.insurance.  Right now.  Don't even hesitate.  We thought we had time since he's a pup, but boy were we wrong!! 

However, as with the subject line, Kyle and I are convinced that we are the only ones that deal with this on an ongoing basis.  With every single dog we own!!  One would think we would've gotten smart by now and moved on to hamsters or gerbils.  Nope, we're suckers for these furry things. 

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