27 May 2010

The Lunch Box...

This past weekend we had a party.  I'm feeling a bit more like myself now that we may get to entertain people once in awhile.  I've been in a bit of withdrawal.  I will have to say, it was not the same as The Lanes parties back home, but it was a good one. 

We had Olivia's entire class and all their families over for an 'End of the Year' bash.  It was really just a good excuse for us to insert ourselves and make friends.  I think it worked.  The party started at 3pm and the last guest left after midnight.  That would be Barry.  Our friend that likes to cook as much as me.  The last few 'families' left after 10pm.  Needless to say, the kids all slept well that night. 

On to the 'Lunch Box' story....just had to share this. 

I was standing in the kitchen with one of Olivia's teachers, Mrs Beth.  She turned to me and said, 'I have to ask....who makes Olivia's lunches?'  Uh-oh.  I was a little worried.  Not a question you typically get asked....especially by the teacher.  And, on top of that, it's a frequent discussion topic between Kyle and I as we have struggled to come up with ways to keep her lunch 'exciting'. 

So, I replied, 'Um...actually that would be Kyle'.  The truth.  Every morning, that is his least favorite job in the world.  He l.o.v.e.s Tuesday's.  It's pizza day.  We pay $4 and they order in pizza's for all the kiddos.  He doesn't have to pack the lunch on Tuesday.  He can't wait for summer as there are no more lunches to be packed.

Beth, 'I have to tell you....Olivia has THE best lunches in the whole entire school.  I get hungry just looking at her lunch box every day!' 

Holy smokes!  Really?? 

Beth, again 'Yes.  She has more thought put into her lunch than I've ever seen.  She has the best selection of any kid and no matter what she picks out to eat, they are all great choices. Whether it's the sandwich or hummus or a cheese stick or fruit.  It's not the crap other kids have in their lunch boxes.' 

We then continued the conversation for a little bit, as the thing Kyle struggles with is that Olivia doesn't eat a lot of her lunch.  Beth reassured me that is because no one eats and the kids can't slow down long enough to really think about eating.  But, Beth said that we should be happy knowing that whatever does eat, it's the best thing in the class.  And, she can tell a lot of care goes into making it.  I was so proud of Kyle! 

It took all my restraint not to run out to Kyle and share my exciting news!  However, I held back.  After all, he was in the middle of 'guy' talk, smoking cigars and having a beer.  I did NOT think that he would appreciate me sharing my good news at that particular time.  Would not help his manly image.  Nor will this if he reads my post!!  Shhh.....

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