19 January 2010

The Weekend Wrap-Up

According to a friend of mine....(ahem...You know who you are Raider fan!) I'm long overdue in taking down the picture of Colt McCoy. Yes, sadly it was not a good game and quite a different series of event and no, same-Raider fan, McCoy did not sprain his...well, we'll just leave it at that.

I have lots of pictures to upload. I realize I say that often. But, this time it's not due to 'lack of time' it's due to 'lack of access' to my personal computer. I'm having some technical issues with it that I tried to resolve under my own 'IT' knowledge and looks like I now have to call in the Geek Squad. More coming.

Needless to say, we're making sure we take the time to 'enjoy Florida'. There really is a lot of cool stuff to do here. A few weekends ago, we drove down the The Keys for the first time with Olivia. It's so close to where we live. There are 5 main Keys in all and the first one (and the least exciting) is only about 40 min away. So, we drive down past the 2nd one and had a great day. We found a really cool playground right on the beach. Did some touristy shopping, walked along a park on the beach and had dinner right on the beach at this really cool place with steel drums and a very tropical setting. Olivia keeps asking when we can go back to 'the Keys'. And, all in a day's drive.

This past weekend, I took Olivia to a place called The Monkey Jungle. We went with Sara when she came to visit and like ALL places in Miami, it costs a small fortune to go in, but only $10 more to get an annual pass. So, Olivia and I joined. My plan is to go a few times this year and then never again, as it's really not that exciting. It's cool for one thing. You get to feed the monkeys. The theme is 'Where the Humans are caged and the Monkey's run free'. You basically walk in these chicken wire tunnels with the monkeys swinging all around. They have little buckets on chains, you feed then, the monkeys shimmy the bucket up to get the food, and then they lower it back down for more. See here. Very entertaining for a 4yr old.

On the drive home we passed by this farm that had cars lines up. I thought it was a berry picking farm, but turns out they just sold jams, shakes, pies, etc from what they grew. They told me about a place down the road where you could pick your own stuff, so we quickly headed in that direction. We came to this huge farm with people literally lined up to the street from this small building. I asked what everyone was in line for and they all replies 'Cinnamon rolls'. I thought that seemed a bit overrated, so Olivia and I went and found where to pick berries. It was an Amish farm and Olivia and I each filled a basket with strawberries. You could pick tomatoes too, but we opted for berries this time. They were delicious! And, Olivia had a great time picking out 'the good ones'. Afterwards, we decided to see what the hype was about these Cinnamon rolls. While waiting in line, you could get a shake or homemade ice cream too, but we just snacked on strawberries. We waited for 45 min!! And, the line was twice as long by the time we left. We got 2 dozed rolls. I figured if we were going to wait this long, we should share the good fortune. So, our neighbors were quite happy to see us spreading the good around!! And, I have to admit, they are quite delicious! About on par with my mom's homemade Cinnamon rolls and if you've ever had hers, you know what I'm talking about. Pillsbury has nothing on my mom....nor the Knaus family farm now.

The line waiting for 'The Rolls'

Saturday night, we decided to take Olivia for a spin in the convertible for the first time!! She was so excited and I wish I would've captured it on video. She got to sit in the front seat with her car seat and it was a whole new world to her! She had SO many questions. We went for a drive on Old Cutler Road which is a very scenic and slow paced compared to others around and took her out to dinner. It was a lot of fun and we all wish 'Papa' could see Olivia in his car!!

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