15 December 2009


So, I may not have figured out how to conquer Flickr, but I DID figure out how to post a slideshow or link to Snapfish albums onto my blog. The best part.....it is as easy as the click of a button. I will try to strike the balance of providing updates, yet not flooding the Internet highway....everyone knows I like to take pictures!! Anyone guess where I got that habit??

On a side note....we are counting down the days until we make it back to Texas. In the spirit of the trip, Kyle, Olivia and I have all started a list of what we're looking forward to. Want to see it??

- Weather that resembles something along the lines of Fall/Winter....
- Good Tex/Mex Food....Make that GREAT Mexican food.
- Along with that....a GREAT margarita!
- Friends...
- Family....(in equal ranking as friends)
- People that know how to drive...safely.
- People that fall in the 'Spanish as a Second Language' category
- Hills or anything 5ft above sea level
- Zero mosquito's
- zero (or little) humidity
- The ability to comfortably wear anything other than a bathing suit, shorts, flip flops and sundresses...
- Friends...and ...Family
- The chance to see all these little babies that we haven't been able to see grow.
- Ella, Raigen, Katie, Josh, Kaitlyn, Ali baby, and all of Olivia's friends that she talks about weekly.
- Moni's, Manny's, Mi Cocina, Olenjack's, , El Gabacho, Piranha's, downtown Fort Worth, Uptown and all the other places we miss hanging out at with friends!
- Country music (and people that know what country music is)
- Authentic Longhorn fans. Go 'Horns!
- Girls that are as into sports as guys and can 'talk the talk'
- Girls that know the difference between Football and 'Football' (a.k.a. soccer in this part of the world)
- Hunting (if this were Kyle typing this blog)
- Did I mention Friends and Family???

On a side note for those that have not heard (do not mean to end this on a sad note)...but, it looks like we have hit bad luck with our 3rd dog. Poor Sambo. It looks like Sam has some 'tumors' that continue to spread. The vet here (although I would like a 2nd opinion) has given him 6 mos to a year. He's had three surgeries in a month to remove tumors and the poor little guy is struggling. We are not having good luck at all with our dogs. The worst part is...we really like Sam. He was always kind of the 'runt' and a tad annoying when Jake and Jackie were around. Now that he's on his own...he's become a GREAT dog. We love him. And, he's become O's best pal ever. He goes with me to tuck her in bed and read stories every night and he sleeps with her cuddled up on her bed. The other morning I woke up and peeked through her door to find him sitting right next to her and Olivia just petting on him and giving him kissed. They have become kindred spirits.

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