30 November 2009

The First Quarter Update....

I have a girlfriend that always sends out photos of her son with the heading of Q1-4 (depending on the month) updates. It always makes me laugh. It is very obvious to me, that she's in a business environment. No one else would label it that way. Since I struggle with creative headings for the blog, I thought I would mimic her....after all, we've now been here 3 months (really almost 4, but as always, I'm behind). Technically, our first quarter as 'Miamians'. It's not Home, but we're adjusting.

So, in no particular order:

- I almost have the @uba pics done. Rather than write a novel on the next one, I'll just jot down thoughts I had while there. I took my parents and sister through all of them this weekend and it's still very fresh in my mind. And, I remain fascinated by the country! I gave up on Flickr! All my photos are uploaded there, but I cannot figure the darn site out. If anyone is familiar with it - HELP! I've seen blogs where you can link Flickr back to a slide show in your blog. I tried the 'widget', but cannot get it to work. Bruised ego along with it as I tend to think of myself as technically savvy. Oh well. So, they are on Snapfish and I will send out a link to anyone that wants it.

- We had a lovely Holiday weekend. Kyle, Olivia and I drove to Orlando the weekend before Thanksgiving. We picked up my sister and her kids at the airport and the Disney fun began!! As an avid Jimmy Buffet fan, DeeDee requested Margaritaville Friday night. It was at the Universal City Walk and provided good entertainment for Olivia, Kaitlyn and Josh. We rented a house which was a nice (and much cheaper) escape at night from the resorts. Saturday was spent at the Magic Kingdom. I am just thoroughly amazed at the marketing genius behind 'Disney'! If you have kids...take them while they are young. I wasn't necessarily a fan of that and my sister always laughed at me. I've been as a young kid, as a teenager and as an adult (sans kids). This time, as a parent...definitely the best!! I got to see it through her eyes which was priceless. My eyes welled up with tears at 9am as Mickey, Minny and the gang arrived via train to the opening gates to sing, dance and welcome everyone in. (Yes, DeeDee and Kyle laughed!) But, holding Olivia up and seeing the HUGE smile on her face...the best.

The crowds were relatively small and we actually made it through Disney in a day. So, the next day, we went to Epcot. Slower pace, 'adult' beverages and entertainment for everyone, so it was a good day. The best ride...Roarin'. It was awesome! We all drove back to Miami Monday and Tuesday my parents flew in. Packed house and lots of fun over the next few days....eating out, cooking all day for Thanksgiving, Boot Camp at the park to start off Turkey Day, football watching, the beach, park time, more football watching...good times! Sad to have a quiet house again.

- We have found a small reprieve in Miami. A babysitter. After having family within miles for all of Olivia's life, we don't know what to do. (However, we did realize how lucky we were!) Her name is Carrie and she's on a swimming scholarship to FIU. (Backstroke and Butterfly....a girl after my own heart!...only much faster). Fortunately, she resembles Baba a bit (will NEVER replace you Sara!). We've only used her twice, but Olivia loves her and it's nice to know we have the option for later dinners and adult conversation every now and then. I just pray she doesn't get a boyfriend soon as she seems very willing to babysit any time she doesn't have practice, school or a meet. I want to take Olivia to one of her meets soon though. Think it would be fun to cheer her on!

- Fall....Winter....where are you??? Of all the things I miss, I did not think 'weather' would be at the top! I had no idea how it can be depressing and yet still good to have beautiful weather all the time. It's humid here... a lot. But, you get used to that. What I can't get used to is the fact that it's still 80-85f ALL the time. And sunny. We've had a few days where it's gotten 'cold'. If you're from Miami, anything under 78f is cold. I went to the park this morning to work out and because it's dropped to 68f in the morning people are all bundled up! It cracks me up! I'd be happy if it would just stay in the 70's. It's really hard to feel festive when you have shorts and a T-shirt on. I have a closet full of clothes just sitting there. The stores sell winter clothes because some buyer in Minnesota is making all the decisions. So, you just keep wearing the same thing...over and over again.

- Which brings me to my next subject.....the one I'm VERY excited about right now......NYC!! First, I love this city any time of the year and will go any chance I get. But, I'm heading there Thursday to meet girlfriends, shop, get in the Christmas spirit, have a cocktail or two and perhaps see a Broadway show. I c.a.n.n.o.t. wait!!! Cold weather!! Girlfriends that know me, that I can talk to, that we can stay up til 2am talking about nothing. The funny part too is that I leave about 8am Thursday morning and Kenneth and Keith arrive in Miami at about noon. They will be here all weekend while I'm in NY. Three men and a baby. Or, three Lane's and a 4yr old. I'm bummed because I love hanging out with them and can't believe I won't even see them for 5 minutes while they're here. But, Olivia's excited to see her uncle's and they will have a great time!

- Speaking of....In the 'Things I miss' category, girlfriends probably ranks right at the top. I've had a hard time putting my finger on this one. People get busy with 'life' so it's not like you see each other all the time when you're in the same city. But, I now realize, we saw each other fairly often and our Dinner Club was quite rare and special. It lasted almost 8 years. Every month. We grew together through life. (Hint, hint...keep it going girls!) I've lived within miles of Julie for almost 20 years. That's longer than I've lived by my own family. I spoke to Erika almost every Tues and Thur morning on our way to work for over 5 years. Now we're an hour apart and it doesn't work. I miss them all. I could talk beyond just 'kids' with my friends. We could laugh, cry and vent about anything. We all have careers in addition to everything else we juggle. We all 'got' each other. I miss girls that like football or sports of any kind. I miss friends I could go shopping with or meet for lunch. I miss playdates that were just as much for the moms as the kids. We could have deep discussions, lend an ear/shoulder or just talk about trivial things that have no material impact on life. I miss you all.....

- And last update....we're coming home for Christmas!!! Yippee!! We booked our tickets and we'll be in DFW Dec 23-30th! It can't get here soon enough. We cannot wait to see our friends and family again and feel 'home'. So, if you're around...let us know!

- Thought that was the last update......Hook 'Em Horns!! Looks like Bevo is going to the Rose Bowl!!! Anyone up for a road trip to Pasadena??

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