13 July 2009

In Loving Memory.....

Jake 'Rebel Rouser' Lane '00 - '09. Our sweet, sweet dog. A few months ago, Jake was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The good news is we knew he had a short time left, so we'd spoiled him as much as possible lately. It was tough making the final decision, but knew he couldn't go on any longer. Kyle and I actually had to leave the 4th of July party to take him to the vet, as we knew he couldn't make it through the night. We have great friends and ironcially enough, it worked out well. All the kids gave him giant hugs and kisses and he was spoiled up until the very end.....I had gone upstairs to change out of my bathing suit to go to the vet. When I came downstairs, all my girlfriends had sheepish grins on their face....they decided that Jake needed his 'last meal' and proceeded to feed him brisket, sausage, chips, cake.....all the good, yummy foods one would enjoy at a 4th of July BBQ!! It was pretty funny and Jake was pretty damn happy!

We miss him dearly and Sam is quite lost without his buddy, but fortunately, there is a lot going on to keep us occupied! We are packed up and homeless......

I'll update more tomorrow. In the lovely town of Omaha tonight...jealous, aren't you? Will upload the pics and post tomorrow night with our latest. (If anyone's even reading this......)

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