11 May 2009

Olivia's interpretation

Well, so far so good, as Amy S said last night!!

Will post more later on my first trip last week. Was quite the adventure! Some fun, some headache worthy....too many flights and too many opportunities to not go as planned!

But, had to share a funny moment with Olivia before I forget. We've been trying to talk to her quite a bit about the move and explain in 3-year old terms what this will mean to her...i.e. new house, yes - we are taking our furniture, no- the walls and the stairs stay here, but - we promise a new swing set in the new house - ALL is good!!

I've been telling her that we'll be close to the beach and that the name of our new city will be 'Miami'. The other day we were driving down the road, and as usual, many questions came out of the blue about 'the move'. All of a sudden, she asked what it was like in 'Your-ami'! Never in a million years did I put it together that 'My-ami' was how it sounded to her. Brilliant if you ask me!! So, now we are officially moving to 'Your-ami'! Even though I've tried to explain it again and again, it's still 'Your-ami'. Call the chamber of commerce. great advertising campaign.


  1. Only YOU could get me to "blog"! Not sure what it is but pretty sure I will feel retarded trying to figure it out. This will be cool to keep in touch.
    Look at Pud's daughter page she has done this for a while and it is so cute.

    Had fun last night playing shoe horse with OG . :)

  2. Your-ami.... That is so cute! I'm so glad you've started a blog. Will be great to keep in touch this way!

  3. Well, we wouldn't be biased or anything, but seeing as how Olivia is the smartest 3-yr old there is, "Your-ami" seems perfectly logical! Love the blog - great idea Kristin. Love you guys.
