23 February 2012

Pure Cuteness

Yes, I owe more on the S. Africa trip.   Fell off after Day 1.  Not so good.  Just a really crazy, busy week. 

The pictures are almost uploaded and will post soon. 

In the meantime, a quick Olivia update.  A 'treat' for her is to come spend the day with me at work.  So, this President's Day, she joined me at work.  The 'treat' is not always reciprical as she can be a bit distracting.  A joyful distraction, but it's not always my most productive day.  At one point, I had to run a meeting with my team in our conference room and I had to spend a lot of time explaining to Olivia that she was not to come in unless it was a true emergency.  She was set up in my office with things to do and it was only a 30 min meeting.  Olivia was set and I was off down the hall.  About 20 min into the meeting, I had to come get something from my office. This is what greeted me as I walked in.

And, a little girl crossing her legs dancing around my office.  I was so surprised by her ability to actually write this all down, I myself was jumping up and down with excitement.  Olivia quickly reminded me that she really needed to go!!  So, off we went.  I later asked her about the notes and she said she was going to quietly walk into the meeting and hand them to me.  Made me smile so big!  This is one going into the baby book for sure!!  I'm quite certain she won't thank me later.  :)

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