08 November 2011

Olivia Turns 6...

I'm sure I will say this many, many times over the course of the 20 years ahead of me.  But, I feel like this was a big year for us and even more so Olivia.  Somehow this year, she morphed into a bonafide K.I.D.  She has no toddler left in her....unless of course I look at her from a certain angle at bed time and see those big, fat cheeks smiling out at me.  That's about the last of it.  This little kid used to be chubby, squeezable and wore the clothes I picked out for her. 

Now, she's 44lbs of solid muscle.  I mean solid.  It looks like she invented a P90x-kids version.  I am envious of her six pack.  Her glutes, her triceps.  It's crazy.  You would think we had her on some sort of no carb, protein-heavy diet.  But, nope.  She's just genetically made up this way.  From whom, I don't know! 

Now, she has a true mind of her own when it comes to fashion.  It's cute.  And....yet frustrating when you're trying to make her look 'pulled together'.  Doesn't always happen.  But, she's got a very creative mind and if this is the worst of it for now, I'm doing pretty good. 

Here are some good milestones achieved this past year with 'little O'....(I can try and hold on, right?):

- She learned to ride a bike.  And, I mean ride.  I was not very confident at first as she did not seem eager to learn.  Didn't have much of a desire at all.  Friend-rivalry didn't even give her the push.  But, one day, I branched out from our neighborhood and took the bike to the park to try a different approach.  Bad move.  That's the day it clicked.  And guess who had to run...SPRINT, to keep  up with her.  From then on, there was no stopping her.  Just the other day, she went on a 5 mile ride with me.  I have to admit, I love having a riding buddy.  She certainly shares the road in a very happy manner! 

- Olivia learned to read.  My mom is a great influence here.  She showed me the ropes on kindergarten prep.  Olivia has the 'reader finger' or whatever it's called....keeps her place on each word she's reading.  She loves it.  She spells everything now.  Instead of 'Mom, can I have a glass of O.J.'...it's now..'Mom, can I have a glass of OJ, Y-E-S or N-O?'  Kyle and I are on the cusp of not being able to have 'code-talk' anymore by spelling out our conversation.  To try and keep up, we just spell really fast now.  Fingers crossed that she doesn't understand yet. 

- She learned math.  Not just counting, but addition and subtraction.  This excites me!  So far, I think math is her passion.  I find her counting everything!  (She's going to love me sharing this) But, I'll find her distracted on the potty because she's counting everything around her....how many tiles are on the floor, how many slats are on the blinds, how many toys are in the tub, etc. Anywhere we go, she's counting.  I came home the other day from work and she'd completed 4 pages by herself in a math book.  And they were all correct.  They haven't even started this subject in kindergarten. 

- She had her first official sleepover.  Olivia and her cousins and friends that come to visit have been having slumber parties for awhile.  But, this was the kind where she packed her back and went to the neighbors.  With no 10pm phone call to come pick her up.  I was very sad at this one.  She's not supposed to be this independent yet.  I think I was 10 and still calling my parents to come pick me up.  :) 

- This past year was also the year of 'not listening very well'.  Our biggest challenge.  Frustration.  I think the 'don't make me repeat myself' phrase has officially been passed down.  I'm officially a parent.  UGH.  Please, child.....just make it easier on everyone and listen.  Concentrate.  Selective listening, for sure. 

- She's become a killer on the soccer field.  Olivia is still a fairly reserved and shy child.  How, we can't figure out.  (Have you met Kyle and me?)  But, she is.  Except on the soccer field.  She's fast.  She loves scoring goals.  This is where the inner crazy girl comes out.  The minute she gets on the sidelines, she's back to being reserved.  But, when she's on the field, she's a maniac.  I love it.  Can I find a permanent soccer field? 

This is our child....sweet, sweet Olivia.  I had the great opportunity to take her to NY this summer by myself and we had a blast!  She is my buddy.  I don't want time to move forward, because I am not at all prepared for losing her in the 'tween/teen' years that seem to start these days at age 7.  Stay small, little O.  Stay small.  Yet, I can't wait to watch her grow. 

Love you Pooh. 

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