23 May 2011

New Experiences.....

Last week, Luke got to eat spaghetti for the first time.  If you can't tell by the pictures, he thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.  And, I loved every minute of watching him.  Kyle....well, he was not thrilled with the clean up involved, as I decided to let an 8 month old feed himself spaghetti.  It was not thrown across the room as one would imagine.  But, rather a controlled mess staying mostly in the vicinity of the highchair. 

It was priceless!  His hand definitely turned into a shovel!

13 May 2011

Happy Happy Friday

I just got back into town from Trinidad.  Although I would never consider Trinidad a tropical paradise by any stretch of the imagination, it made me pause and appreciate what I'm doing right now.  I have to say that I have been to some pretty cool places that not everyone gets to visit. 

On top of this, my experiences over the last two years have widened my eyes to different cultures immensely!!  My driver this morning from the hotel to the airport was passionately describing all the local 'Trini' cuisine in great detail.  And, exactly how to make it.  It literally came to life as she was talking.   Do you think we could do the same if asked about our favorite dishes? 

So many thought on this subject....I will write more.  But, right now, I'm off to get a pedicure and start the weekend! 

Here are a few pics of the family....all fun that occurred in my absence this week! 

Kyle and Olivia at her school's 'parent appreciation' breakfast which I missed as the school only gave us two weeks notice and I already had this trip booked!  Bummed.  Looks like they had fun though!

This is Luke on Michele's (our nanny) lap!  She took him for a walk at the nearby park/elementary school.  Apparently it was 'career day' and she took it upon herself to take Luke for a visit in the fire truck!  Cute, huh??

09 May 2011

The Before and After....

Ok....you can still be in the running for a FREE closet cleaning!!  There is still time.  Submit your entries now.  Be as creative as you can.  Play the word game.  Here are a few we've heard:

- Coming out of the Closet
- Organize You (you need a drink in hand and Kyle playing charades to fully grasp this one!)
- Always Organized by Allison
- From Chaos to Clutter

As mentioned before, Kyle's closet is a shoebox.  I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, but here's a snapshot of Allison's magic.  I need to take the 'after' of my closet.  It's quite impressive.  I'll post soon.

What's interesting too, is that Kyle is a pretty neat person.  He's fairly Type A about keeping the house clean and picked up.  But...his closet....well.  Organization is probably not his strong suit! 

The Process:  What worked really well for us was mimosa's.  Took the bite out of the misery and truth be told....we kind of had fun!!


The Finished Product: 

Allison - if you're reading this, you will be happy to hear that it still looks exactly like this!!  Hangers and all....!  You'd be proud!