23 July 2009

The Work Stuff.....

Don’t worry…..I have updates too on the housing crisis!! Isn’t that what it’s still called these days? And, although it still applies to us, the ‘crisis’ is slowly becoming and ‘adventure’ and I’m pretty damn excited about it!! More on that later…..

First, my apologies to Mom & Dad, because they will be learning this first in the blog and not by me in a phone call. I just forgot Mom when I talked to you last night – honestly. I get to go to a certain country that resides in between Florida and the Bahamas. Don’t want to say the name because of the whole ‘Big Brother’ thing. The whole publicness of blogging still weirds me out. If that doesn’t give it away, it’s a country that many Americans don’t visit on a usual basis (mom – it’s not Haiti – don’t worry!). As a matter of fact, I’m writing this blog as I head back from the Bahamas and I think I’m flying over it right now!! Just looked out the window – pretty funny. Again for my parents – I will be going in a completely compliant nature and following ALL necessary protocol. And, it’s not until September. I’ll make sure to post pictures after that crazy adventure. Can you tell yet that as a 36 yr old woman, I still have parents that care deeply about me and sometimes forget that they raised me well and I’ll be ok – really!?! :)

So, in between all the craziness of dealing with the move, I’ve had a few good travels lately. I feel like I can’t even remember it all since I haven’t posted about ‘the job’ in awhile. Here are the countries I’ve been to so far – Dominican Republic (3 times now in Santo Domingo), St Thomas, St Kitts, San Juan, Bermuda, Bahamas and the Grand Caymans. In the next month I get to go to Punta Cana (DR), Jamaica, Trinidad, Panama and possibly Belize. Of the ones I’ve been to, I’d recommend St Thomas, Bermuda and the Grand Caymans. The other ones (Santo Domingo excluded as it’s a major city, not ‘beach’ area), just ‘ok’ for different reasons. I’ve heard amazing things about Punta Cana, so I’m really anxious to see that one. Think a golf vacation might be in the future with that one! My biggest disappointment was with Bermuda. Not in the island, but in the trip. When I first heard this was the territory for ‘the job’, I was most excited about Bermuda. I’ve always wanted to go and have just heard amazing things about it. Well, guess what. They got 6 inches of rain in the 36 hour period I was there. 6 inches!!! It was nuts. So, another trip has to be in the works to get the full affect of the island. Here’s the funny part about the Bermudas though – they really do wear ‘Bermuda’ shorts! As business attire. Not the women, just the men. Our customer picked us up in royal blue shorts, a yellow short sleeved shirt, tie, yellow knee high socks and dress shoes. Completely normal. I had never met him before, so when he first walked up, I thought he was the valet guy or something. Then, we went to the financial district and it’s everywhere!! Sometimes, they even add a suit jacket with it. It’s really cool to see. And, very colorful. Not NYC black/dark attire.

This past week, I also had a milestone. I gave my first presentation/speech in Spanish. I’m starting to dust up on it a bit. The only country I have that speaks Spanish is the Dominican…..oh yeah – and Miami!! It’s slowly coming back. I really need to get the Rosetta Stone to expedite the process (ahem...Drew??....if you're reading this??). We had an awards dinner for one of our customers. Everyone, and I mean everyone (including our team of 6 from the states), spoke Spanish. Since I was in their country, I felt like out of respect, I needed to make the attempt. I was able to pull off some of it by memory and read my notes for the rest of it. They didn’t care – it was the effort that mattered, so I felt good about it.

Here are some pictures from the past few trips. As soon as I hit 'publish' on this blob, I'm off to the airport for my LAST trip to Dallas. I know I will be back many, many times.....just don't know when. Very surreal. I will post soon with the details of the move next week and of Olivia's 1st trip to Miami last weekend. It was a hoot!! I absolutely love my kid's sense of adventure!!

The view from my room last night in the Bahamas. We got in really late Tues night and when I woke up Wednesday morning, this HUGE cruise ship was coming right by. It looked much bigger....I swear.

Another view from the top of the hotel. It was the only beach resort I've ever seen where there is not a SOLE at the beach or the pool. I really don't know where the people where....the place seem occupied!!

It wasn't until I went onto the balcony that I realized you could see The Atlantis from our hotel. The monster that it is....and the rudest service.....EVER!!

Despite the rude serive, a few people in our group had never been there, so of course, we had to go check it out. It's pretty amazing even if the service stinks!! These pictures below are from the aquarium there. Apparently the Gianormous fish below (not the creepy eels) live to be beyond 100 years.

Might be hard to tell...but these kids are all playing with drums. It was pretty neat. They were all in the middle of this street/shopping center.
This above and below...Bermuda...and the rain!! See?? Not an ounce of sun in sight.....for miles! Above is the 'owner's qtr's of the hotel we stayed at. Doesn't that look like a great place to live??

Harry - our customer. I didn't want him to know I was taking a picture of his 'outfit'. Isn't it cute and funny at the same time? Can you even remotely going to work like this? Would those socks even be comfortable by the day's end??

I don't know this man's name. He's a 'live' folklore on Bermuda. Apprently he retired over 10 years ago. Ever since, he decided to stand on the corner of the main 'roundabout' and wave to every car as it passes by. He stands there Mon-Fri, rain or shine (obviously!), from 6-9am or something like that. He even has a bronze statue made of him on the island and you can buy a keepsake figurine of him. Doesn't this usually happen after your dead? Very cheerful mate, I must say!! God Bless 'em!

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