31 August 2012

Happy Birthday!!

Well, I've decided to resurrect my blog.  I think I took about a six month hiatus.  But, I think I actually like this blog, despite my ability to keep consistent with my writing. 

But, there was an event last week that made me pull this back out.....Luke's Birthday!!  A few years ago, I started writing on Olivia's birthday about all the changes over the prior year.  I kind of like pausing to think about the kids' year in terms of milestones and development.  I'm not that good at keeping a baby book for the kids (I bought two and they are still sitting in their original packages!), so this kind of serves as that outlet for me. 

So.....Luke turned 2!!  As with most babies, I'm sure moving from a one year old blob to an active 2 year old is a big one.  But, it had been awhile since I had a little one, and I just loved this last year.  I never really knew if I wanted a boy.  I was somewhat indifferent.  I knew what to do with a girl, but a boy...I was clueless.  Now, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.  This kid melts me.  He's my little snuggler.  (so is Olivia).  He 'pats' me on the back each morning as I walk around carrying him.  He gives spontaneous hugs and lays his head down on my shoulder just to give love. 

The other thing about this year that has been amazing to watch is the bond developing between Luke and Olivia.  He can now interact.  He's not just this blob that requires a lot of attention and feeding.  They can entertain themselves while I'm getting dinner ready.  Luke thinks Olivia hung the moon.  The favorite part of my day is watching Luke wake up Olivia for school.  He climbs on her bed and quietly goes over to her to give her kisses to wake her up.  And hugs.  He lays his head on her shoulder.  Then, he gives her more kisses.  The funniest part is that this melts Olivia.....usually she's awake and lays there pretending to be asleep so he'll continue with the love. 

On the flip side, they are also figuring out the sibling bickering.  And, it makes me laugh.  No, I'm not crazy.  But, Olivia was an only child for so long, it's kind of fun to see.  I know it will get worse and I know it won't always be funny.  But for now, while it's harmless, I'm going to enjoy it. 

Luke is all boy!  This past year he's fallen in love with anything related to a sword, light saber, truck or bus.  Buses are his favorite!  Most of you know that.....The only song he wants sung to him at night is 'The Wheels on the Bus'.  I'm really, really tired of this song, but I figure it might not last forever.  Maybe.  He likes me to lay him down in his crib at night, sing the Wheels and rub his belly.  He's a boy that already knows what he wants. 

His attention span when it comes to arts & crafts (or at least drawing) is about 10 seconds.  This is completely different than Olivia.  She could sit there for a pretty long time.  Luke....well, if Olivia is doing homework, he'll sit next to her and play along.  For 10 seconds.  Then, it's on to swords or buses. 

He also vacuums.  A lot.  Kyle loves to vacuum too.  So, we got Luke a little one and he follows Kyle around the house vacuuming each room together.  This, holds his attention for a good 30 minutes. 

My little man that makes me laugh every day........