12 December 2011

And, the Journey Begins...

Today marks a milestone for me.  Back in 1995, I graduated from UT with a BBA and a minor in International Business.  Up until now, I have been dipping my toes in the water of this career.  Today, I jumped off into the deep end. 

This is where I will be going in about six weeks. 

 Quite a colorful flag, huh? 

How about this as a clue? 

Getting warmer? 

Here is is.....

I'm going to South Africa.  Excited, yes.  Nervous, yes.  Excited, yes.  Hesitant, yes.  Excited, yes.  Disbelief, yes.  Can you tell how my brain is working at this point? 

I will be on a plane for 20 hours.  It will take me 2 days in total to get there.  I have to go through London.  20,000 miles round trip.  Not including the 2 inter-country flights we're taking as we'll be arriving in Johannesburg, then going to Durban and finally ending up in Cape Town.  My family will be 10,000 miles away.  There are 11 'official' languages in this country.  11, people.  And, English is not necessarily up high on the list. 

Did I mention that I feel like I've jumped off a cliff?  I know that this is an amazing opportunity and when it's all said and done, I will look back on it with amazement.  Until then....I'm just thinking I may need lots of drugs to get me there. 

All this other 'international' travel I've done up until this point......child's play!  :) 

Mom & Dad - I guess you're investment is finally being used to the full extent. 

10 December 2011

The Mud Day

Today was one of those days where you let kids be kids.....It's warm (82f), sunny, the Christmas shopping is done and we're way-past-ready for Fall to be here. 

Here's what it looked like:

I also realized that my posts weren't getting emailed out.  Looks like there was a change in the settings.  So, if you haven't received any lately, there have been a few posted. 

04 December 2011

What I am Thankful For...

Missed the actual 'Thanksgiving Week' boat, but I'm ok with that. 

This was taken a few months ago....Olivia and Luke still continue their 'bonding' as newly discovered sister and brother.  Very cool.