06 September 2011

A Little About Luke.....

Last year I started something I'd like to continue as an annual tradition.  Right around Olivia's Bday, I wrote about what the last year meant in terms of her changes/development/new learnings.  Since I'm not the best at keeping up with baby books, I'll look to this someday as my refernce!  :)  Have you heard - Technology is changing the way we do things?!

So, for Luke, he had a pretty eventful year.  His first one, right?  Pretty basic you might think.  He learned to sit up, roll over, crawl, walk....all the normal things babies do. 

Since I have early dementia these days, I'll at least document that he learned to walk the Sat before his first bday.  And, lucky for iPhones, we got just about his very first steps on video! 

Here are a few other things that make 'Luke Douglas' who he is today:

- He has a lot of teeth coming in.  6 right now as a matter of fact.  Ouch.  Hence the reason he has an index finger in his mouth at all times.  But, he has his two bottom teeth in and they are quite messed up!  There is a gap in between that could probably fit 2 or 3 add'l teeth.  Poor guy.  Right now it looks kind of cute, but someday...maybe not.  I pray his real ones close the gap someday!
- Luke learned to play peek-a-boo at an early age.  His favorite prop was usually menu's at a restaurant.  But, blankets and clothes work well.  Anything really.  He has a thing for putting clothes on top of his head. 
- His favorite pastime is dumping out his crib after any sleeping occasion.  All 6 pacy's that are usually there.  His baby pillow pet and his blanket.  In violent fashion.  We can usually hear the pacy's flinging across the room after he's awake.  And, he's not mad about it.  Just likes to throw things.
- Speaking of....he has a great relationship with our dog, Eddie.  So, Luke finds it necessary to look out for Eddie and provide food for him.  If Eddie is in the vacinity of Luke while he's eating, he's throwing down his food for Eddie to catch.  Eddie now goes outside when Luke eats. 
- Luke LOVES his bath.  He has never once cried going in and actually walks/crawls to the bathroom as fast as humanly possible when he hears the water go on.  And, he'll stay in as long as you'll let him. 
- Luke still sleeps in his sleep sack.  He looks a bit ridiculous now that he's one, but since they make them big enough for one yr olds, I put him in it.  It's is 'calming' thing.  He knows the minute he gets in it, it's bedtime.  And, he sleeps really, really well, so I'm not going to even attempt to mess with our routine!! 
- Luke won't move if you lay him on his back on the ground.  Anywhere else (bed, couch, etc) he'll roll right over and sit up.  But the floor, he just lays perfectly still.  We think it's because of his changing table.  We use it every time to change his diaper, get him dressed, etc.  So, he lays there perfectly still for us.  I would expect him to wiggle and try to get out of that situation.  Nope.  Not this little one.  It's really kind of weird that he won't move if on his back on the ground.  Now, it's a fun little game for us bystanders.  It's quite funny.  You can leave him there, go into the kitchen, get a drink and he's still there on the family room floor.  I guess we could teach him to roll over, but that would take all the fun out of it. 
- My favorite thing...he's a very cuddly guy.  If I ask him to give me hugs, he lays his head down on my chest.  He'll give me kisses and loves to snuggle.  This melts me. 
- He also loves his sister.  If I were to be accurate on this account of the last year, I would probably say that at times is is a love/hate relationship.  Only because Olivia wants to treat him like an American Girl doll.  He doesn't always go for that.  But, when the moon strikes just right and the stars are aligned....he actually lets her play a bit with him.  And, he even lets her put bows and headbands in his hair.  :)