03 February 2011

Random Thoughts.....

In no particular order....here's how my mind is getting side tracked today.  Random thoughts...

Education:  There has been so much talk lately about Americans and our intelligence.  Or maybe lack thereof.  Obama called for us to innovate and invent, or something like that.  The former school chancellor of Washington DC made radical changes in the education system.  I believe for the positive, but am interested in hearing perspective from current and former educators on this subject...ahem.  Mom.  It is predicted that we are falling significantly behind our Asian colleagues.  And most recently, a big debate was stirred when a Chinese mom wrote a book about the differences (and superior ways) in Chinese child rearing and how American moms are too soft. 

You get the picture. 

I take a lot of this to heart.  I believe wholeheartedly in taking responsibility for our children and what their future looks like.  I'm faced for the first time with which path you provide for your kids in terms of private vs public.  There are so many pro's and con's of each.  Too many as a matter of fact. 

And, so, it hit me this morning.  I was in the bathroom getting ready for work.  And, I had the Today show on in the background.  Once again, my 'hackle' went up when I heard Matt Lauer introduce a story on Lindsey Lohan.  This time for some question about 'grand larson'.  It all came together in that instant!  We as Americans (and yes, we all have to take responsibility) have our priorities so out of whack!  So much so, that a respected, proven journalist is having to report about some idiot that was raised poorly, thrown into the spotlight too young, never really became that 'legendary' except for her shenanigans and is now on the news daily.  Do you think Matt Lauer took a course in college about 'How to report on celebrity gossip?'  Why is this important?  Why should we care?  Let's all quit talking about her so she'll stay a substantial amount of time in rehab, get better and go about doing some good in life!  Let's spend some more time learning about Egypt, Yemen and Tunisia and how the whole world looks like it's about to implode.  Shouldn't we care more about this than Lindsey Lohan?? 

We place too much importance on celebrities.  Especially the ones that kill brain cells in our head.  Don't even get me started on Charlie Sheen.

As I get older, I realize I only have so much 'memory power' left.  I need to be filling it with things that prolong Alzheimer's and make me at least appear intelligent.  Do other countries place as much emphasis on this and we just don't see it? 

Sad.  Just really sad. 

Well....now that I'm all worked up again (can you see my passion behind this!) I'm going to save the rest for tomorrow.  I'll do this in chapters.  The others are much 'lighter'.  I promise.